Soath Yallo Bally (identification of specimen by Biological Survey). This was probably the form met in the Siskiyou Mountains. Cyanocitta stelleri carbonaces. Coast Jay. The jay so common in the humid coast belt everywhere we went was probably this form. Aphelocoma californica. California Jay. Common in Transition Zone of northern California. At Beswick the ranges of this bird and that of Cyanocilla s. frontalis overlapped, both species being equally common. Cractes obscurus griseus. Gray Jay. This species was common in the Cana- dian Zone about Spanish Springs Camp. (Identification of specimen by Biological Survey). Cractes obscurus obscurus. Oregon Jay. Quite common in heavy red-wood timber at Orick. Corvus corax sinuatus. American Raven. This bird was more or less com- mon at Crescent City, Orick, Eureka, Alton Junction and Rio Dell. Corvus brachyrhynchos hesperis. California Crow. Common at Klamath Hot Springs (Beswick). llucifraga columbiana. Clarke Nutcracker. These birds were tolerably com- mon on the very summit of South Yallo Bally. They were the first bird to greet us as we gained the mountain top. Redwing Blackbirds were met at MarshalIs. Picard, Lower and Klamath Lake and at Lierley's Ranch, but no specimens were taken, and the subspecies is in doubt. Sturnella magna neglects. Western Meadow-lark. This bird was common almost everywhere in suitable localities. A few pairs were met on a rocky Tran- sition Zone mesa near Beswick. The pure, sweet, celestial quality of its song, which has charmed so many bird-lovers, was heard first at MarshalIs. I had no idea the birds were about until a sorig of unusual sweetness reached me as I was setting traps in a hot breezeless gully. On climbing to the top of its bank I found myself on a field where was the author of the song. Euphagus cyanocephalus. Brewer Blackbird. Common at Beswick and Butte Valley. Carpodacus cassini. Cassin Purple Finch. This species was abundant on South Yallo Bally. Many young birds of the year were encountered there. (Iden- tified by Biological Survey). Astragalinus tristis sa!icamans. Willow Goldfinch. Smith River (Del Norte County). Passer domesticus. English Sparrow. San Francisco, Crescent City. Chondestes grammacus strigatus. Western Lark Sparrow. Crescent City. One seen. Zonotrichia leucophrys gainbell. Intermediate Sparrow. Specimen taken at Alton Junction. (Identification by Biological Survey). Zonotrichia coronata. Golden-crowned Sparrow. A flock of these birds was met on a high ridge (6000 feet) southeast of Beswick on September 18. Spizella sociaHs arizona,. Western Chipping Sparrow. Abundant on South Yallo Bally, Beswick, Orick, Trinidad. At the two former places many young of the year were seen and the adults were moulting. Junco oregonus thurberi. Sierra Junco.. These birds fairly swarmed on South Yallo Bally about its summit, the young of the year.were abundant. (Identification by Biological Survey). Junco oregonus shufeldti. Shufeldt Junco.. Common on high ridges about Beswick. (Identification by Biological Survey).