89. Parus gainbell. Mountain Chickadee. Observed at Sulphur Springs; Grand Lake; near McCoy; at Douglas Spring; and on Tarryall Creek. As in the case of the nuthatches, they should have been seen elsewhere. 90. Regulus calendula. Ruby-crowned Kinglet. Seen only at Sulphur Springs. 91. Myadestes t0wnsendii. Townsend Solitaire. Noted a number of times at Sulphur Springs and Grand Lake; near Kremmling and near Sheephorn Pass. After that we were out of their summer range, until we struck the Continental Divide, and did not happen to run across any then. 92. Merula migrat0ria pr0pinqua. Western Robin. Robins were at Sulphur sITE OF }lOUSE WREN'S NEST--IN TIN CAN NAILED TO TREE AT LEFT Springs on my arrival there; during the stormy weather in April they gathered at times in large flocks, 75 or more. They were noted everywhere along our route. At Steamboat Springs, June 1-10, we found nests with eggs and. young. July 12 we found at Mud Springs a nest xvith four eggs. 93. $ia!ia arctica. Mountain Bluebird. The Bluebirds were at Sulphur Springs when I arrived. About the middle of April their actions indicated that if they were not already nesting they were seriously considering doing so. They were seen everywhere we went on the trip. Colorado Springs, Colorado.