Prose. Verse
XVITI. The Woman in Labour
XIX. The Bitch and her Whelps
XX. The hungry Dogs
XXI. The aged Lion, the Wild Boar, the Bull, and the Ass
XXII. The Man and the Weasel
XXIII. The Faithful Dog
XXIV. The Frog and the Ox
XXV. The Dog and the Crocodile
XXVI. The Fox and the Stork
XXVII. The Dog, the Treasure, and the Vulture
XXVIII. The Fox and the Eagle
XXIX. The Ass deriding the Boar
XXX. The Frogs frightened at the Battle of the Bulls
XXXI. The Kite and the Pigeons
Book II.
Prologue ...,
Fable I. The Lion, the Robber, and the Traveller
II. Two Women of different Ages beloved by the Middle-aged Man
III. The Man and the Dog
IV. The Eagle, the Cat, and the Sow
V. Cassar to the Chamberlain
VI. The Eagle, the Crow, and the Tortoise
VII. The Mules and Robbers
VIII. The Stag and the Oxen
Book III.
Prologue, to Eutychus
Fable I. The Old Woman «ad the Cask
II. The Panther and Shepherd
III. Esop and the Farmer....
IV. The Butcher and the Ape
V. Esop and the Insolent Man
VI. The Fly and the Mule.
VII. The Dog and the Wolf.
VIII. The Brother and Sister
IX. Socrates to his Friends
X. The Poet on Believing and not Believing
XI. The Cock and the Pearl
XII. The Bees and the Drones, the Wasp sitting as judge
XIII. Esop at play
XIV. The Dog to the Lamb