Act IV. Sc. 3.
You must be now contented with reprieve
Hereafter for your wooings.
Cha. But, Davè—Davè.
Dav. Well, what?
Cha. Win her for me.
Dav. Ridiculous!
Cha. But come and tell me, if your plot succeeds.
Dav. Why so? and if I fail.
Cha. If you fail not.
Dav. Why then I will.
Cha. And I shall be at home.
Dav. My sis, do you stop here and wait for me.
Mys. How so?
Dav. You must.
Mys. Well, hurry then.
Dav. I will.
ACT IV.—Scene 3—Mysis.
Is mortal happiness e'er durable?
Faith of the gods! I thought that Pamphilus
Was the best blessing could befall my mistress,
A friend, a lover, and a husband, all
Combined, to make her happy—and, behold!
Oh, what a load of human misery!
Assuredly less pleasure than of pain
Has fallen to her lot by loving him.
Davus comes out—my man! holloa, I say,
Where do you bear that babe?