Act II. Sc. 4.
He cannot scold you more, and all his plans,
Determinations, cast to all the winds.
You need not fear, for Chremes will refuse
To give her anywise; so fear not him.
Now say it bravely, without hesitation—
Say, Father, I am ready. For do not think
That you are master of yourself, or can
Command events by acting as you please.
He is determined now that you shall wed,
To take one dowerless, to have his way.
Consent with him, and throw him off his guard,
And he will go to sleep—and act no more;
In the mean time, something may turn up good.
Pam. You think so?
Dav. Out of doubt.
Pam. Ah, take you heed.
Dav. Be still, I say.
Pam. Well, I consent. But look!
He must know nothing of the infant child.
I have promised her to rear it.
Dav. Madness!
Pam. She has besought, and I have promised it.
It is a pledge, I never will desert her.
Dav. It shall be seen to; but your father comes.
Be careful and disguise your melancholy.
ACT II.—Scene 4.—Simo—Davus—Pamphilus.
Sim. I stroll about, to see what they are at,
What they devise.