Act II. Sc. 3.
ACT II.—Scene 3.—Pamphilus—Davus.
Pam. What does my father mean? Why simulate?
Dav. I will tell you why. First, he is angry now
With Chremes and his promise now withdrawn,
He thinks such retractation is injurious—
Your sentiments unknown. If you refuse
The alliance proffered, he will transfer his wrath
To you, and there will be a precious row.
Pam. But shall I suffer that?
Dav. He is your father,
Pamphilus, and has authority; whilst she,
Poor soul, is sole and unprotected—he
Will soon find means to exile her from hence.
Pam. Exile?
Dav. And quickly.
Pam. What, Davus, must I do?
Dav. Say you are ready.
Pam. No.
Dav. What do you say?
Pam. I ready.
Dav. Wherefore not?
Pam. I never will.
Dav. Do not say so.
Pam. Nay, ask it not.
Dav. But look,
What will occur?
Pam. It will occur that I
Shall lose the one I love, and have the other.
Dav. Not so, not so. Your father will speak thus: