Act I. Sc. 2.
Sim. It is not right—
That I, his father now, should ferret this:
Nothing he has yet done affecting me.
I suffered all this nonsense in due season,
And let him have his fling. Now, otherwise
The time demands a change of life and manners,
And therefore I demand—that is—I pray
Thee, Davè, that he march in beaten track.
Dav. What does this signify?
Sim. All boys who love
Kick against marriage.
Dav. Ay, ay—so they say.
Sim. If then it hap some evil counsellor
Lure him astray—for evil counsellors
There are, and prompt to lead the love-sick wrong.
Dav. Hercle! I understand not.
Sim . Of course not!
Dav. Davus I am, not Œdipus.
Sim. Do you mean
You wish me to speak out the rest in words?
Dav. I do, assuredly.
Sim. Then hear my words—
If I catch you, in matter of these nuptials
Devising treachery—in opposition—
Or showing off your knavery—you shall have
A thousand stripes and then off to the mill
For life, I say—and swear that if I spare you
I'll take your place and grind—do you understand
Or do you need further enlightenment?
Dav. Nay, none; you have explained, indeed, the whole
With singular intelligence and clearness.