aversion from investigation in this field. For the facts so far gathered we are indebted almost exclusively to the labours of French and English workers. It seems at least desirable that our literature should be enlarged in this respect. These considerations have induced me to publish some observations which will perhaps help to further our knowledge about the relationship of hysterical twilight states and enlarge the problems of normal psychology.
The following case was under my observation in the years 1899 and 1900. As I was not in medical attendance upon Miss S. W., a physical examination for hysterical stigmata could unfortunately not be made. I kept a complete diary of the séances, which I filled up after each sitting. The following report is a condensed account from these sketches. Out of regard for Miss S. W. and her family a few unimportant dates have been altered and a few details omitted from the story, which for the most part is composed of very intimate matters.
Miss S. W., 15½ years old. Reformed Church. The paternal grandfather was highly intelligent, a clergyman with frequent waking hallucinations (generally visions, often whole dramatic scenes with dialogues, etc.). A brother of the grandfather was an imbecile eccentric, who also saw visions. A sister of the grandfather, a peculiar, odd character. The paternal grandmother after some fever in her 20th year (typhoid?) had a trance which lasted three days, and from which she did not awake until the crown of her head had been burned by a red-hot iron. During stages of excitement she later on had fainting fits which were nearly always followed by short somnambulism during which she uttered prophesies. Her father was likewise a peculiar, original personality with bizarre ideas. All three had waking hallucinations (second sight, forebodings, etc.). A third brother was an eccentric, odd character, talented, but one-sided. The mother has an inherited mental defect often bordering