The tube could thus be made of any desired length in a single piece.
As regards the gigantic machine devised for boring through the earth, it was a veritable masterpiece of invention, but so complicated in operation that it is impossible to give more than a general idea of its effects. The device used for excavating the first few hundred miles was somewhat in the style of an immense auger, which, by its rapid revolutions, loosened the earth and transported it automatically to the surface, where, after being carefully scrutinized by a geologist for its mineral wealth, it was dumped into the ocean to form a new island. To the great joy of the capitalists who had invested in the enterprise, it was found that the returns obtained from the sale of the mineral wealth brought up were considerable, while much valuable knowledge was gained as to the internal structure of the earth.
Whenever a stratum of solid rock was met with in the downward progress of the boring auger, this rock was first brought to a state of fusion by directing upon it jets of flame of exceedingly high temperature. The molten rock was then easily scooped up by special devices protected from the effects of the heat by refrigerating agents of great