Rain, antipathy of Chinese to, 139, 140.
prayers for, 297, 298, 305. Reform in China, nature of, 79, 321 fT. Richthofen, Baron, quoted on the Chinese character, 268. Sacred edict expounded to produce reformation, 322. quoted on filial piety, 174, 177. Sickness, behavior in time of, 95, 96, 169, 206, 207. of the poor, of women and children, neglected, 203, 205. Singer, Dr., quoted on Chinese histories, 268. Smallpox, Chinese indifference to, 205, 206. Virtue, accounts of, kept, 187, 188. acts of, described, 188-191. the practice of, 186. Wade, Sir Thomas, quoted on Chinese religion, 306. Williams, Dr. S. W., quoted on Chinese ceremony, 171, 172. the ideal scholar, 288. Wool little used by the Chinese, 126. Yates, Dr., quoted on Chinese filial piety, 172, 184.