< Page:Childs own music book.djvu
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\new PianoStaff << \override Score.BarNumber  #'transparent = ##t \relative c''
\new Staff << { \time 4/4 \key d \major \tempo Allegro \dynamicUp \phrasingSlurUp \partial8
a8\f <d fis,>^\accent\( cis <d f,> b\) <a fis>4 fis8 a | <d fis,>^\accent\( cis <d f,> b\) <a fis>4 r8 a | <g e>\( a <b e,> g\) fis4 <a d,>8 fis | e\( fis e d\) <a' cis,>4 r8 a | <a e cis>\( b cis a <b e, d>4\) r8 b | <cis a e>\( d <e a, e> cis <d a d,>4\) a8 a |<d g,>4^\accent cis8 b a\( b g e\) | d\( fis\) a a d,4 r \bar "|."
\addlyrics { There was a crook -- ed man, and he went a crook -- ed mile, He found a crook -- ed six -- pence up -- on a crook -- ed stile: He bought a crook -- ed cat, Which caught a crook -- ed mouse, And they all liv'd to -- geth -- er in a crook -- ed lit -- tle house.
} >>
\new Staff { \clef bass \key d \major
r8 <a d> r <gis d> r <a d> r <a d> r | <a d> r <gis d> r <a d>4 r | <a cis>8 r <a cis> r <a d>4 fis,8 r | <d g,> r <d gis,> r <e a,>4 r | <a a,>8 r <a a,> r <gis fis,!>4 r | <g! g,!>8 r <g g,> r <fis fis,> r r4 | <b d'>8 r <g d'> r <fis d'> r <g b> r | <fis a,> r <g a,> r <d fis>4 r \bar "|."


\new PianoStaff << \override Score.BarNumber  #'transparent = ##t \relative c''
\new Staff << { \time 2/4 \key a \major \tempo Allegretto \dynamicUp
cis8.\mf\( d16 cis8\) a | fis8.\( gis16 fis8\) cis | fis <gis eis>\< <a fis> <b fis>\! | <cis eis,>4.\> <d fis,>8\! | <b e,!>8. <b e,>16 <b e,>8 <cis e,> | <a d,>8. <a d,>16 <a d,>8 <b d,> | <cis cis,> <b fis d> <a fis cis>\> <gis eis b>\! | <fis a>4 r \bar "|."
\addlyrics {  \set stanza = "1." Sim -- ple Si -- mon met a pie -- man Go -- ing to the fair; Says Sim -- ple Si -- mon to the pie -- man, Let me taste your ware.
\addlyrics {  \set stanza = "2." Says the man to Sim -- ple Si -- mon, Do you mean to pay? Says Si -- mon yes, of course I do, And then he ran a -- way!
\new Staff { \clef bass \key a \major
cis'8.\( d'16 cis'8\) a | fis8.\( gis16 fis8\) cis | fis <cis' cis> <cis' fis> <b d> | <gis cis>4. <b b,>8 | <gis e>8. <gis e>16 <gis e>8 <a a,> | <fis d>8. <fis d>16 <fis d>8 <fis d> | <fis a,> b, cis cis, | fis,4 r
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