< Page:Childs own music book.djvu
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\relative c'' {
    \new Staff  {
      \time 2/4
      \tempo "Allegro"
      c8[ c d e]
      c[ e d b]
      c[ c d e]
      c4( _[b8) g]
      c[ c d e]
      f^\cresc[ e d c]
      b\([ g a b]\)
      <e, c'>4 <e c'>^>
      <f a>8.[ b16 a8 g]
      <f a> b c4
      <e, g>8.[ a16 g8 f]
      e4^\cresc g
      <f a>8.[ b16 a8 g]
      a[ b c a]
        { g8[ c b d] }
        { e,4 f }
      <e c'>4 <e c'>
      \bar "|."
    \new Lyrics \lyricmode {
\new Lyrics {
      \set stanza = #"1. "
      Yan8 -- kee8 Doo8 -- dle8 came8 to8 town,8
      Up8 -- on8 a8 lit8 -- tle8 po4 -- ny,8
      He8 stuck8 a8 fea8 -- ther8 in8 his8 cap,8
      And8 called8 it8 mac8 -- a8 -- ro4 -- ni.4
    \new Lyrics {
      \set stanza = #"2. "
      Yan8 -- kee8 Doo8 -- dle8 is8 a8 tune8
      That8 comes8 in8 might8 -- y8 han4 -- dy,8
      The8 en8 -- e8 -- my8 all8 run8 a8 -- way,8
      At8 Yan8 -- kee8 doo8 -- dle8 dan4 -- dy.4
      Yan8. -- kee16 Doo8 -- dle,8 doo8 -- dle,8 do,4
      Yan8. -- kee16 doo8 -- dle8 dan4 -- dy;4
      All8. the16 las8 -- sies8 are8 so8 smart8
      and8 sweet8 as8 su8 -- gar8 can4 -- dy.4
    \new Staff {
      \clef "bass"
      c,8_[ <e g> g, <e' g>]
      c_[ <e g> g, <e' g>]
      c_[ <e g> g, <e' g>]
      c_[ <e g> g, <f' g>]
      c_[ <e g> g, <e' g>]
      c_[ <e g> g, <e' g>]
      g,_[ <f' g> g, <f' g>]
      c g' c4
      f,8_[ <a c> c, <a' c>]
      f_[ <a c> c, <a' c>]
      c,_[ <e g> g, <e' g>]
      c_[ <e g> g, <e' g>]
      f_[ <a c> c, <a' c>]
      f_[ <a c> c, <a' c>]
      g _[g,] g _[g']
      <c, g'>4 <c g'>


\relative c'' {
    \new Staff { 
      \time 2/4
      \tempo "Andantino"
      \key f \major
      s4. s16 a16 | 
      <f a>8.^\mf^\([ g16 f8 g]\)
      <f a> a <f a>4
      <e g>8 g <e g>4
      <f a>8( c') <f, c'>8. a16
      <f a>8.^\([ g16 f8 g]\)
      <f a>8[ a a a]
      <e g>[^\< g\! <e a>^\> g]\!
      f4. r16
      \bar "|."
    \addlyrics {
      \set stanza = #"1. "
      _ Ma -- ry had a
      lit -- tle lamb,
      lit -- tle lamb,
      lit-tle lamb, __ _
      Ma -- ry had a
      lit -- tle lamb,
      Its fleece was
      white as snow.
    \addlyrics {
      \set stanza = #"2. "
      ev -- 'ry -- where that
      Ma -- ry went,
      Ma -- ry went,
      "Ma-ry" went, And
      ev -- 'ry -- where that
      Ma- ry went,
      the lamb was sure to go.
    \new Staff {
      \clef "bass"
      s4. s16 r16 | 
      f,,4 <f' a>
      f, <f' a>
      c <e b'>
      f, a'
      f, <f' a>
      f, <f' a>
      \set doubleSlurs = ##t
      c( <c b'>)
      <f a>4. r16
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