< Page:Childs own music book.djvu
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\relative c'' {
  \new GrandStaff <<
   \new Staff { \override Score.BarNumber  #'transparent = ##t 
   \key g \major
    \time 6/8
      a4 a8 g4 g8 fis4. fis8 r fis b4 b8 a4 a8 g4 g8 b4 r8 g4 g8 fis8. g16 fis8 e4.~e8 r8 r \acciaccatura cis'8 d^\markup { \dynamic p } d16 \(d' d,8\) r d,16 \(d' d,8\) r d16 \(d' d,8\) r d'16 \(d' d,8\) g,4^\markup { \dynamic p } \(g8 a4 a8 b4. g\) \(c4 c8 b4 b8 a4.~a4\) r8 d8. \(d16 d8 c4 c8 b4. d4\) r8\override DynamicTextSpanner.style = #'none ^\cresc b4 \(b8 a8. b16 a8 d4.~d4\)\! r8 d8. \(d16 d8 c4 c8 b4.^\dim d4\) r8 <b g d>4 \(b8 <a fis c>8. b16 a8 <g d b>\)\! r r r4 r8
\bar "|."
     \addlyrics {
Trot -- ting trot, trot, trot, Oh, 'tis por -- ridge on his back he brings Moth --  er's lit -- _ tle tot. 
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
One and two and three more, Spoon -- fuls in the way. __ Por -- ridge time then is o -- ver, Bab-- by can _ go play! Por -- ridge time then is o -- ver, Ba -- by, can _  go play!
    \new Staff {
      \clef "bass"
      \key g \major
      fis,4 \(b8 e,4 b'8\) dis,4 \(b'8 b,4 b'8\) g4 \(e8 fis4 dis8\) e4 \(b'8 g4 e8\) <b g'>4 r8 <b dis a'>4 r8 <e g>4 \(b8 e,\) r r d'' r r \acciaccatura cis8 d r r \acciaccatura cis, d r r \acciaccatura cis' d r r g,, \(b16 d g8\) d \(fis16 a d8\) g,, \(b16 d g8 b, d16 g b8\) d, \(fis16 a d8\) g,, \(b16 d g8\) d \(fis16 a d8 d a16 fis d8\) <g b>4. <fis d'> <fis d'> <g b>4 r8 <d g>4. <c fis> <b g'> <d c'> <g b> <fis d'> <g ~ d'> <g b>4 r8 <d d,>4. <d d,> <g g,>8 \(d b g\) r r


\relative c'' {
  \new GrandStaff << \override Score.BarNumber  #'transparent = ##t 
\new Staff { \tempo "Allegretto" \time 2/4 \key d \major \dynamicUp \phrasingSlurUp 
 \bar ".|:"
<a fis>4\mf <a fis>8. \(<g e>16\)  | \tuplet 3/2 {<a fis>8\( a a\)} <a fis>8. \(<g e>16\) | <a fis>8 a \(<b\) fis d>^\accent b | <a fis> a \(<b\) fis d>4^\accent | a8 a <b fis d>^\accent  b | a a <fis d> fis | d d <fis d> <g e> | <a fis d>4^\accent <a e cis>^\accent \bar ":|."
\addlyrics {
Snail, snail, come out and be fed, Put out your horns and then your head, And your pa -- pa and your ma -- ma will give you boiled mut -- ton.
    \new Staff { \clef "bass" \time 2/4 \key d \major
\tuplet 3/2 {d,,8( a' d,) ~ } <d a'>4 | \tuplet 3/2 {d8( a' d,) ~ } <d a'>4 | <d a'> <b gis'>^\accent <d a'> <b fis'>^\accent | \tuplet 3/2 {d8( a' d,) ~ } <d a'>4 |\tuplet 3/2 {d8( a' d,) ~ } <d a'>4 |\tuplet 3/2 {d8( a' d,) ~ } <d a'>4 | <d a'> <a a'>

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