< Page:Childs own music book.djvu
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Grade 1–2

Paul Zilcher

\new PianoStaff <<
\new Staff { \time 2/4 \key f \major \partial 8 \tempo "Allegro" \relative c' {
  c8-.-1 | a'4-3 c8-.-5 c-.-4 |
  bes4 g8-.-1 g-.-2 | a4 f8-.-1 f-.-3 |
  <e^2 g^4>4^( \autoBeamOff c8-.) c-. | \autoBeamOn
  a'4-3 c8-.-5 c-.-4 | bes4 g8-.-1 g-.-2 |
  a-1^\(\<[ c b d\!] | c4.\) c8-2 |
  f4-5\mf << { e8-.-4 e-.-3 } \\ { cis4 } >> |
  d4\> a8-.-1\< a-.-2 |
  d4-5\mf << { c8-.-4\> c-.-3 } \\ { a4 } >> |
  <bes^2 g^1>4.\! bes8-2^\( | c4-1\p\< g'8-5 e\! |
  f4 c8-.-1\) c-.-2 | c4-1^\(\< g'8 e\! |
  f4.\)\< c8-.\! | f4-4\mf\> e8-.-3 e-.-2 |
  d4-1 c8-.-4 c-.-3 | bes4-2 a8-.-1 a-.-3\! |
  << { g4.^2\p g8-. | g4^3\< g8-.^3 g-.^2\! | c4^5 a8-. f-. } \\
     { f2^1 e^1 f^1 } >>
  <g^4 e^2>4\> e8-.-3 c-.-1\! | f4-4 r8 c'8-.-1 |
  g'4-5\mp e8-. c-. | f4 c8-.-2 c-.-1 |
  g'4 e8-. c-. | f4 r8 c,8-.-1\p\< |
  g'4-4\! e8-. c-. | f4 c8-.-2\< c-.-1 |
  g'4\! e8-. c-. | f4 r | <a f'>\pp r | <f a,> r \bar "|." } }
\new Staff { \clef bass \key f \major \relative f {
  r8 | <f c'_4>4 <a_2 c_1> | <g-3 c> <e c'> |
  <f c'> <d b'> | <c bes'!>4. r8 |
  <f c'_4>4 <a_2 c_1> | <g-3 c> <e c'> |
  <f_4 c'> <g_5 f'> | << { e'2_2^( } \\ { c4_3\( b_4 } >>
  <a f'>4)\) <a g'> | <d f> r |
  q <fis,_5 d'> | <g_4 d'>4. r8 |
  bes-2\([ c-1 bes c] | a[ c a c] |
  bes[ c bes c] | a[ c a c] \clef treble
  a'4-2 g | f-1 e d c-1 | b2 bes \clef bass | a\) |
  <bes c,>( | <a f>4) r |
  << { bes8_2\([ c bes c] | a_3[ c a c] | bes[ c bes c] | a4 } \\
     { f2_5 f_5 f f4 } >> r
  <bes c,>2( | <a_1 f_2>4) r |
  <bes c,>2( | <a f>4) r |
  <f c'> r <c f,> r } }
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