< Page:Childs own music book.djvu
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\new PianoStaff <<
\new Staff { \time 4/4 \key f \major \tempo "Andante" <<
\new Voice = "melody" { \relative f' { \stemUp
  \repeat unfold 2 { f4.^\( e8 d4^\< f\! |
  g4.^\> f8\! e4 <c g>\) |
  <d bes>2 e4. e8 |
  <f a,>2. r4 | }
  <bes g>4.^\( <a fis>8 <bes g>4^\< <c a>\! |
  <d bes> <c a> <bes g> <a fis>\) 
  <bes g d>^\( <a fis c> g4. f8^\markup { \italic "dim. et rit." } |
  <a e c>4 <g e bes> <f c> <e c>\) |
  f4.^\(^\markup { \italic "a tempo." } e8 d4 f^\< |
  g4.^\> f8\! e4 <c g> |
  d2^\( e4. f8 |
  <f a,>2.\) r4 \bar "|." } }
\new Voice = "two" { \relative a { \stemDown
  a2 bes | b c4 s | s2 g4_\( c8 bes\) | s1 |
  a2 bes | b_( c4) s | s2 g4_\( c8 bes\) s1 |
  e | e | s2 <d bes>4 <f! d> | s1 |
  a,2 bes | b c4 s | bes2 g4_\( c8 bes\) } } >> }
\new Lyrics \lyricsto "melody" { \set stanza = #"1. " Sleep, my babe, lie still and slum -- ber, All through the night, Guard -- ian an -- gels God will lend thee, All through the night; Soft the drow -- sy hours are creep -- ing, Hill and vale in slum -- ber steep -- ing Moth -- er, dear, her watch is keep -- ing, All through the night. }
\new Lyrics \lyricsto "melody" { \set stanza = #"2. " God is here, thou'lt not be lone -- ly, All through the night, 'Tis not I who guards thee on -- ly All through the night; Night's dark shades will soon be o -- ver, Still my watch -- ful care shall hov -- er, God with me His watch is keep -- ing, All through the night. }
\new Staff { \clef bass \key f \major
  <c f,>2 <bes, f,> | <d g,> c4( e) |
  <f bes,>2 c4( c,) | f,( c f,) r |
  <c f,>2 <bes, f,> | <d g,> c4( e) |
  <f bes,>2 c4( c,) | f,8( f c a, f,4) r |
  <c c'>2 c | <c g>1 |
  g,4 a, bes, b, | << { r4 g( a bes) } \\ { c1 } >>
  <c f,>2 <bes, f,> | <d g,> c4( e) |
  bes,\( g, c c,\) | f,2. r4 } >>


\new PianoStaff <<
\new Staff { \time 6/8 \key d \major \tempo "Allegretto" <<
\new Voice = "melody" { \relative d' { \stemUp
  d4^\mf^\( fis8 g4 b8\) |
  a^\( d4\) ~ d8 r r |
  b,4^\( d8 e e g\) |
  fis^\( e4 ~ e8\) r r |
  <fis cis>^\( e fis <d b>4.\) |
  <a' e>8^\( g a <fis d>4\) a8 |
  b4^\( cis8 d4\) d,8^\( |
  <e cis> d4 ~ d8\) r r\fermata \bar "|." } }
\new Voice = "two" { \relative g' { \stemDown
  s2.*6 | <g d>4. q4 } }>> }
\new Lyrics \lyricsto "melody" { \set Stanza = #"1. " Dance a ba -- by did -- dy, What can mam -- my do wid -- 'e? __ Sit in her lap. Give it some pap, And dance a ba -- by did -- dy. __ }
\new Lyrics \lyricsto "melody" { \set Stanza = #"2. " Dance, my ba -- by dear -- ie, Ma will nev -- er be wea -- ry, __ Fro -- lic and play, Now while you may, So dance, my ba -- by dear -- ie. }
\new Staff { \clef bass \key d \major 
  <d fis a>4 r8 <d g b>4 r8 | <d fis a>4. ~ q8 r r |
  <b, d>4 r8 <e g>4 r8 | <a, cis g>4. ~ q8 r r |
  <fis ais,>4. ~ <fis b,> | <a cis> ~ <a d>4 r8 |
  g,4 r8 <e e,>4. | <g a,>8 <fis d>4 ~ q8 r r\fermata }

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