< Page:Childs own music book.djvu
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\new PianoStaff <<
\new Staff { \time 6/8 \key f \major \tempo "Andantino" <<
\new Voice = "melody" { \relative c' { \stemUp
 \repeat unfold 2 {
  c8^\mf^\( d e f4 g8\) |
  <a f>4^\( <bes g>8 \once\stemDown <c a>4.\) |
  d4^\( c8 a4 bes8 | \once\stemDown<c a>2.\) |
  bes4^\( a8 g4.\) |
  a4^\(^\dim g8\! f4.\) |
  bes4^\( g8 f4 e8\) | <f a,>2. } \bar "|." } } 
\new Voice = "two" { \relative a' { \stemDown
 \repeat unfold 2 { 
  s2.*2 a4. f s2. e4. c f c d bes s2. } } } >> }
\new Lyrics \lyricsto "melody" { \set stanza = #"1. " How man -- y miles to ba -- by land? An -- y -- one can tell; Up one flight, to your right; please to ring the bell. What do they do in ba -- by land? Dream and wake and play; Laugh and crow, fond -- er grow jol -- ly times have they. }
\new Lyrics \lyricsto "melody" { \set stanza = #"2. " What do they say in ba -- by land? Why the odd -- est things; Might as well try to tell what a bird -- ie sings. Who is the queen in ba -- by land? Moth -- er, kind and sweet; And her love, born a -- bove, guides the lit -- tle feet. }
\new Staff { \clef bass \key f \major \relative f, {
  \repeat unfold 4 { f4 c'8( <f a>4 c8) }
  c4( e8 bes'4 e,8) |
  f4( c8 a'4 f8) |
  g,4( bes8 c4 g'8) |
  \once\slurDown f4( c8 f,4.) |
  \repeat unfold 4 { f4 c'8( <f a>4 c8) }
  c4( e8 bes'4 e,8) |
  f4( c8 a'4 f8) |
  g,4( bes8 c4 g'8) |
  f8( c a f4.) } } >>
  line-width = 18\cm


\new PianoStaff <<
\new Staff { \time 6/8 \key f \major \tempo "Allegretto" \relative a' {
  a4( c8) g4\( bes8\) |
  a4( c8) c4. |
  a4\( c8\) \once\phrasingSlurDown g4\( bes8\) |
  <a e>4\( g8 f4\) a8 |
  <d f,>4\( c8 <d e,>4\) b8 |
  <c e,>4\( b8 <c ees,>4\) a8 |
  <bes! d,>4\( a8 g4\) c8 |
  <a c,>4\( <g bes,>8 <f a,>4.\) \bar "|." } }
\addlyrics { Bye, Ba -- by Bunt -- ing, Dad -- dy's gone a -- hunt -- _ ing, To get a lit -- tle rab -- bit skin, To wrap his Ba -- by Bunt -- ing in. }
\new Staff { \clef bass \key f \major 
  f,4. <c e bes> f, <c f a> |
  f, <c e bes> cis( d4) r8 |
  bes4.( gis) | a( fis) |
  g( c) |\slurUp f,( ~ <f, c>) } >>
  line-width = 18\cm

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