< Page:Childs own music book.djvu
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{ \override Score.TimeSignature #'stencil = ##f \time 4/4 \new PianoStaff <<
\new Staff { \key g \major \tempo "CHORUS" <<
\new Voice = "melody" { \relative d' { \stemUp
  <d b>4^\p q q2 |
  d8^\( d e fis g^( d') b g\) |
  fis^(^\(^\< d') c a\! g(^\> g') d4\)\! |
  d,8^\( d e fis g^( d') b g\) |
  fis^( <c' e>) <c d> fis, g4 r |
  <e c>2^\(^\p g4. e8^\dim\) |
  <d b>1\! |
  e2^\pp ees | d1\fermata \bar "|." } }
\new Voice = "two" { \relative d' { \stemDown s1 
  d2_( g) | fis_( g) | d_( g) | fis g4 s | s2 c, | s1 | c | b } } >> }
\new Lyrics \lyricsto "melody" { Go to sleep, go to sleep, my ba -- by, my ba -- by, my ba -- by; Go to sleep, my ba -- by, _ ba -- by, oh bye! Go to _ sleep, Le -- na, sleep. }
\new Staff { \clef bass \key g \major \relative g { 
  <g g,>4 q q2 | d4 <fis c'> g, <d' g b> |
  a <d fis a> g, <d' g b> |
  d, <d' fis c'> g, <d' g b> |
  << { r4 a'8( c) s2 | r2 e,4.( g8) | g1 | g | g^\fermata } \\
     { d2 <g b>4 r | c,1 g c g } >> } } >> }


C. M. Von Weber

\new PianoStaff <<
\new Staff { \time 3/4 \tempo "Moderato" \relative g' {
  <g e>4\( <e c> <f d>\) |
  <g e>4.\( d'8 c4\) |
  <b f>\( <a f> <b f>\) |
  <c e,>2 r4 |
  <b dis,>4. b8 <b f dis>4 |
  <c e,> <b e,> <e g,>8(\< d)\! |
  << { d4\(\> c\! a8 b | g2\) r4 |
       <g f>4. g8 q4 |
       a4\( g\) g |
       <g  e> g g8( c) | <c f,>2. |
       b4\( a b\) | <c e,>4\( <e, c>\) <a c,>8( g) |
       g4\( f d8 e\) | c2 } \\
     { fis2. s2. s2. f2 f4 | s2 e4 | s2. | f2 f4 | s2. | b,2. } >>
   r4 \bar "|." } }
\addlyrics { \set stanza = #"1. " Sleep, my heart's dar -- ling, in slum -- ber re -- pose; Let the fair lids o'er \set associatedVoice = "1" those blue eyes now _ close, All is as peace -- ful and still as the tomb, Nor shall the gnats wake thee with their low _ hum. }
\addlyrics { \set stanza = #"2. " Now, dear -- est ba -- by, is morn's gold -- en time; Not thus thou'lt slum -- ber \set associatedVoice = "1" in life's lat -- er _ prime; Sor -- row and care then will watch by thy bed, Ne'er more sweet peace will there pil -- low thy _ head. }
\new Staff { \clef bass
  <c g>2. q4 q2 | <d g>2. <c g>2 r4 |
  <b, fis a>2 <b, a>4 | <e g>2 <e b>4 | <d c'>2. <g b>2 r4 |
  q2 q4 | q2. | <c c'>2 <c bes>4 | <f a>2. |
  <d g>2 <g, g>4 | <c g>2 f8( e) | d2 <g, f>4 | <c e>2 r4 }

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