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(Emmett's Lullaby)

J. K. Emmett

#(set-global-staff-size 18)
\version "2.14.2"
\header {
  tagline = ##f }
\score { \new PianoStaff <<
\new Staff { \time 4/4 \key g \major \tempo "Moderato" \relative b' {
  <b g d>2^\mf\( g4 <c e,>\) |
  <b g d>2\( g8 d g b\) |
  <a fis>4.\( g8 fis c' b a\) |
  b\( d^\< <c fis,> a\! b g <a c,> d,\) |
  <d g b>2\( g4 <e c>\)
  <d g b>2 g8 d g b |
  <a fis>4.\( g8 fis <e c'>^\< <d b'> <c a'>\!\) |
  <b g'>^\>^\( <d b'> <c a'> d\!\) <b d g>4 r |
  b'\( g e b'\) |
  dis,8 dis b' b e,( fis) g( gis) |
  a4 a d,\( a'\) |
  cis,\( a' d,\) r |
  <d g b> q <c! a'> q |
  <g' b,>4.\( fis8 <e c>2 |
  << { a8\( g fis e\) d4\(^\markup { \italic dim. } b'\) | } \\
     { e,4\( cis\) <d b>2 } >>
  <a' fis c!>4 q <g d b> r | } }
\addlyrics { \set stanza = #"1. " Close your eyes, Le -- na, my dar -- ling, While I sing your lul -- la -- by, fear thou no dan -- ger, Len -- na, Move not, dear Le -- na, my dar -- ling, For your mo -- ther watch -- es near you, Le -- na, dear. An -- gels guide thee, Le -- na, dear, my dar -- ling, Noth -- ing e -- vil can come near; Bright -- est flow -- ers blow for \set associatedVoice = "1" thee, Dar -- _ ling _  ba -- \unset associatedVoice by dear to me. }
\addlyrics { \set stanza = #"2. " Bright be the morn -- ing, my dar -- ling, When you ope your eyes, _ Sun -- beams glow all 'round you, Le -- na, Peace be with thee, love, my dar -- ling, Blue and cloud -- less be the sky for Le -- na, dear. Birds sing their bright songs for thee, my dar -- ling, Full of sweet -- est mel -- o -- dy; An -- gels ev -- er hov -- er \set associatedVoice = "1" near Dar -- _ ling _ ba -- \unset associatedVoice by dear to me. }
\new Staff { \clef bass \key g \major \relative g, {
  g8\( d' <g b> d q d g e\) |
  g,\( d' <g b> d q d q d\) |
  d,\( d' <fis c'> d q d q d\) |
  g,\( b' a fis g b fis d\) |
  g,\( d' <g b> d q d g e\) |
  g,\( d' <g b> d q d q d\) |
  d,\( d' <fis c'> d q d q d\) |
  g\( d fis d\) g,4 r |
  \repeat unfold 2 { e'8( <g b>) b,( q) } |
  b4( <dis a'>) e( <g b>) |
  e8( <g cis>) e( q) d!( <fis a>) d( q) |
  a( <cis g'>) q q <fis d>4 r |
  g,8( g' b, g') d( fis dis fis) |
  e4.( d8) <c g'>2 |
  <cis a'>4 <a g'> <d g>2 |
  d4 d, g r } }
\midi { }
\layout { } }
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