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(French Lullaby)
![{ \time 2/4 \key f \major \tempo "Andante"
<< \relative f' {
<f a>4 q8 q | <e g>( <f a> f4) |
<< { g g8.^\< g16\! | a2 } \\
{ f8[ e d c] | f[^\> c\!( f a)] } >>
<f c'>4 q8 q |
<< { <f bes>( <e c'> a4) |
g^\( g8.\! g16^\> | <f c a>2\! } \\
{ s4 f8 c | bes[ d <e bes> c] } >>
<f c'>4^\p q8 q |
<< { bes4( a) } \\ { d,8[ e f c] } >>
<c g'>4 q8^\cresc g'\! | <a f c>2 |
<f a>4 q8 q |
<< { g4^\dim( f)\! | g g8 g } \\
{ g e e d | bes[ d <bes e> c] } >>
<a c f>2^\p |
<f' a>4^\p q8 q | <e g>4\( <f c'> |
<f bes>^\markup { \smaller \italic "dim. e rit." } <e a>8 g\) |
<f c>4. r8 \bar "|." }
\new Lyrics \lyricmode { \set stanza = #"1. " Sleep,4 sleep,8 my, dar - ling,4 sleep peace8 -16 "ful -" ly,2 Mo8 - ther is watch - ing,4 pray8 - ing8. for16 thee.2 May4 "ho -"8 ly an - gels;4 on wings8 of light,2 Bring4 to8 my ba - by,4 dreams fair8 and bright.2 Do8 - do, my dar - ling,4 peace8 - ful16 - ly8 sleep.4 }
\new Lyrics \lyricmode { \set stanza = #"2. " Sleep,4 sleep,8 my, dar - ling,4 sleep peace8 -16 "ful -" ly,2 Thy4 heav'n16 - ly8 Fa - ther,4 car8 - eth for thee.2 In4 thy8 soft cra - dle,4 peace8 - ful16 - ly8 sleep,2 While4 thou8 dost slum - ber,4 watch He8 will keep.2 Do8 - do, my dar - ling,4 peace8 - ful16 - ly8 sleep.4 }
\new Staff { \clef bass \key f \major \relative f, {
f8[( c' f c]) | f,[( c' <f a> c]) |
c4( c,) | f( c') |
a'8( c) a4 | g8( c, f4) |
<f f,>4( c) | f,8[( c' f a]) |
a8( c) a4 | <g c> q |
<< { bes bes } \\ { e,8[( d e c]) } >>
<f a>[ c( f c]) |
f,[( c' f c]) | <cis a'>4 <d a'> |
<d g,> c | f,8[( c' f c]) |
<f c'>4 c' | <c bes> <c a> |
<d g,> << { c8( bes) } \\ { c,4 } >>
<f a>8( c[ f,)] r } }
>> }](../../I/ae29cc7db37f81a6517da03713fca171.png.webp)
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