< Page:Childs own music book.djvu
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J. L. Molloy
![{ \time 3/4 \key d \major \tempo "Andante" \partial 4 \set Score.voltaSpannerDuration = #(ly:make-moment 3 4) <<
\new Voice ="melody" { \stemUp \phrasingSlurUp
\relative f' {
fis8 fis \repeat volta 2 {
<a g cis,>4\( e\) <fis d>8\( b\) |
<a g cis,>4\( e\) <fis d>8\( a\) |
<d fis,>4.^\< fis,8\( <gis eis> b\)\! |
<a fis>2^\> a8\( gis\)\! |
cis4\( fis,\) a8\( gis\) | cis4\( a\) b8\( cis\)
<d a f>4.^\< cis8\( <b gis d> cis\)\! |
<a cis,>2^\> b8^>\( fis\)\! |
a4^>\( g\) b8^>\( a\) |
a4^>\( g\) c8\( b\) |
d4^\<\( fis,\!\) a8\( e\) |
<a fis d>2^\> b8\( fis\)\! |
a4^>\( g\) b8\( fis\) |
a4^>\( g\) c8^\<\( b\)\! |
<d a d,>4. fis,8\( <g cis,> e\) | }
\alternative {
{ d4 r fis8 fis8 }
{ d2 a'8^\< a\! |
<d gis, d>4. d,8^\> d d\! |
<d fis a>4\fermata r <d a'>8 a' |
<bes d,>4.\fermata^\< <b d,>8 q <a g cis,>\! |
<d fis, d>2 r4 \bar "|." } }
} }
\new Voice = "second" { \stemDown
\relative e' {
s4 | s2.*3 |
s2 eis4 | fis2 eis4 | fis2 r4 |
s2. s2 <fis c>4 |
<g cis,>2 <fis c>4 |
<g cis,>2 <gis d>4 |
<a d,>2 <g! cis,>4 |
s2 <fis c>4 |
<g cis,>2 <fis c>4 |
<g cis,>2 <gis d>4 | } }
\new Lyrics \lyricsto "melody" { \set stanza = #"1. "
When the toys are grow -- ing wea -- ry and the twi -- light gath -- ers in, When the nur -- s'ry still re -- ech -- oes to the chil -- dren's mer -- ry din; Then un -- heard, un -- seen, un -- no -- ticed comes and old man up the stair, Light -- ly to the chil -- dren pass -- es, Lays his hand up -- on their hair. \set stanza = #"2. " Soft -- ly }
\new Lyrics \lyricsto "melody" { \repeat unfold 2 { \skip 1 } smiles the good old Dust -- man, in their eyes the dust he throws, Till their lit -- tle heads are fall -- ing, and their mer -- ry eyes must close; Then the Dust -- man, very -- y gen -- tly, takes each lit -- tle dim -- pled hand, Leads them through the sweet green for -- ests, far a -- way in slum -- ber \repeat unfold 3 { \skip 1 } land, far a -- way in slum -- ber -- land, far a -- way in slum -- ber -- land. }
\new Staff { \clef bass \key d \major
r4 | \repeat volta 2 { <a d>2 q4 q2 q4 | <b d>2 <b cis>4 |
<a fis>2 b4 | a2 b4 a2 r4 | b,2( e4) |
<e a,>2( dis4) | e2( dis4) | e2( eis4) | fis2 e4 |
d2 dis4 | e2( dis4) | e2( eis4) | fis2 a8( g) | } \alternative {
{ <fis d>4 r r }
{ <fis d>2 <c' fis d>4 | b4. r8 <bes g>4 |
a\fermata r fis |
<gis f>4.\fermata <gis e>8 <g a,> <a a,> |
<a d>2 r4 } }
} >> }](../../I/e2d5b3cd6bb67cfd3dd32876c0094f06.png.webp)
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