< Page:Childs own music book.djvu
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\relative f' {
  \new PianoStaff <<
    \new Staff { 
      \time 2/4
      \tempo "Alegretto"
      \key f \major

      f^\mf  f | <f c'>^\< <f c'> |
      <f d'> <f d'> | <f c'>2\! |
      <e bes'>4 <e bes'>^\> | <f a> <f a> |   
      <d g> <e g>\! | f2 |

      <f c'>4 <f c'> | <e bes'> <e bes'> |
      <c a'> <c a'> | <c g'>2 |
      <f c'>4 <f c'> | <e bes'> <e bes'> |
      <c a'> <c a'> | <c g'>2^\> |

      f4\!^\mf  f | <f c'> <f c'>^\cresc |
      <f d'>\! <f d'> | <f c'>2 |
      <e bes'>4 <e bes'> | <f a>^\dim <f a>\! |   
      <d g> <e g> | <a, c f>2 |
    \addlyrics {
      \set stanza = #"1. "
      Twin -- kle, twin -- kle,
      lit -- tle star;
      How I won -- der
      what you are,

      Up a -- bove the
      world so high,
      Like a dia -- mond
      in the sky!

      Twin -- kle, twin -- kle,
      lit -- tle star;
      How I won -- der
      what you are!
    \addlyrics {
      \set stanza = #"2. "

      When the bla -- zing
      sun is gone,
      When he noth -- ing
      shines up -- on,

      Then you show your
      lit -- tle light,
      Twin -- kle, twin -- kle
      all the night.

    \new Staff {
      \clef "bass"
      \key f \major

      <f a>4 <f a> | a a |
      bes bes | a2 |
      g4 c, | f d |
      bes c | <f a>2 |    

      a4 a | g g |
      f f | e2 |
      a4 a | g g |
      f f | e( c) |

      <f a>4 <f a> | a a |
      bes bes | a2 |
      g4 c, | f d |
      bes c | f,2 |   


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