in which the Spirit-Wrestlers lived, were the first to exhibit this people to the Tzar in their true character; and, owing to the report of these examiners. His Majesty, wishing to isolate the Spirit - Wrestlers, graciously allowed them to emigrate to the so-called " Milky - Waters " in the Taurid province.
At the end of the year 1804, the Spirit- Wrestlers living in the provinces of Tamboff and Ekaterinoslaff asked and obtained permission also to be allowed to emigrate to the same place. But before explaining what these people now are, it is necessary to examine their origin, their mode of life, and their teaching.
The Origin of the Spirit-Wrestlers
The name " Spirit- Wrestlers " was given as far back as 1785, probably by the then Bishop of Ekaterinoslaff. It was at the time evidently intended to distinguish, by this name, those holding this teaching, just as the repudiation of ikons (images) was in its time called " Ikon- Wrestling."
But the Spirit- Wrestlers themselves, giving their derivation of the name from "spirit," say that they in the spirit strenuously serve God. Thus, following their explanation, the term ought to be understood. The populace called them by various