against the "Christians of the Universal Brotherhood," a persecution like those of pagan times; and the wonderful meekness and firmness with which the new Christian martyrs endure these persecutions—all these facts are undoubted signs of the nearness of this accomplishment.
And therefore, having understood all the importance of the event that is taking place, both for the life of the whole of humanity and for the life of each of us, remembering that the opportunity to act, which is now presented us, will never return, let us do that which the merchant in the Gospel parable did, selling all he possessed that he might obtain the priceless pearl; let us disdain all mean, selfish considerations, and let each of us, in whatever position he be, do all which is in his power, in order,—if not to directly help those through whom the work of God is being done, if not to partake in this work,—at least not to be the opponents of the work of God which is being accomplished for our good.
Leo Tolstoy.
December 14th, 1896.