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form and family, felt that it was incumbent upon him not simply to look at the tutor, but after looking at him, to measure him from head to foot with the impertinent steady stare which is adopted in fashionable society. But he had no sooner taken his measure than he began to feel that the tutor was likewise taking his measure, and, even worse, was looking straight into his eyes, and so keenly that instead of keeping up the stare the bridegroom said:—

"Your work must be hard, Monsieur Lopukhóf,—I mean your medical work."

"Yes, it is;" and he continues to look him straight in the eyes.

The bridegroom was conscious that he was fumbling with his left hand at the three upper buttons of his uniform, but he did not know the reason. Nu! when the awkwardness gets as far as the buttons, there is no other salvation than to make haste to drink his tea, and ask Marya Alekséyevna for some more.

"Your uniform, if I am not mistaken, belong to such and such a regiment?"

"Yes, I serve in that regiment," is Mikhaïl Ivanuitch's reply.

"Have you been long in the service?"

"Nine years."

"Did you begin in that regiment?"

"I did."

"Have you a company or not?"

"No, I have none as yet. (He cross-examines me as though I were a private!)"

"Do you expect to get one soon?"

"Not very soon."


The tutor was satisfied, and ceased his examination, though he still looked straight into the imaginary private's eyes.

"And yet,—and yet," thinks Viérotchka; and what does she mean by "and yet"? Finally she makes up her mind what she means by "and yet." "And yet he conducts himself just as Serge did when he came with the kind Julie. How is he a savage? Why does he speak so strangely about girls? 'that pretty girls are loved only by stupid people?' And—and—" (why does she repeat "and"? At last she knows!) "and why didn't he want to know anything about me? why did he say that it was not interesting?"

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