all the time. But when he reached home he was calm; he made up his mind as he walked, and now he was satisfied with himself.
He asked about Viéra Pavlovna's health.
"I am well."
He said that he was very glad, and the conversation turned on the necessity of making the most of health.
"Of course it is necessary, and according to Marya Alekséyevna's opinion, one ought to make the most of youth also." He perfectly agreed with that sentiment, and thought that it would be well to take advantage of the fine weather to enjoy a ride out of town: "It is a frosty day, and the road is elegant."
"With whom do you intend to go?"
"Only three of us,—you, Marya Alekséyevna, Viéra Pavlovna, and myself."
In this case Marya Alekséyevna is perfectly agreed; but now she is going to prepare some coffee and lunch, and Viérotchka will sing something.
"Viérotchka, will you sing something?" she adds in a tone that leaves no room for refusal.
"I will sing."
Viérotchka sat down at the piano, and sang a song called "Troïka" (The Three Span), for at this time Pushkin's poem was set to music. To Marya Alekséyevna listening at the door, this song was very good. The young girl was looking at the officer. "That little Viérka, if she only wants, can be pretty shrewd, the minx!"
Soon Viérotchka stopped. This was right; Marya Alekséyevna had advised her: "Sing a little while, and then begin to talk."
Now Viérotchka is speaking, but to Marya Alekséyevna's mortification she is speaking in French. "What a fool I was! I forgot to tell her to speak in Russian; but Viéra is speaking calmly; she is smiling. Nu! evidently everything is going well. Only what made him open his eyes so wide? But then, he is a fool [durak], a genuine fool, and all that he can do is to blink his eyes. But this is just the kind we want. Now she is giving him her hand; Viérka is smart; I praise her!"
"Monsieur Storeshnikof, I must speak seriously with you. Last night you took a box so that you might represent me to your friends as your mistress. I am not going to tell you that