for instance, he began to bring Viérotchka books. Once Viérotchka went to see a friend, and Mikhaïl Ivanuitch was at the Rozalskys'. Marya Alekséyevna took the books that the tutor brought and handed them to Mikhaïl Ivanuitch.
"Just look here, Mikhaïl Ivanuitch. This French I almost understand by myself. This word gostinaïa [meaning drawing-room], of course, it must be a book about manners, ain't it? but the German one I don't understand."
"No, Marya Alekséyevna, that word is not gostinaïa, but destinée, fate."
"What kind of a fate? Is it a novel that's called so, or is it a sort of oracle or fortune book."
"We will quickly find out, Marya Alekséyevna, from the book itself."
Mikhaïl Ivanuitch turned several of the leaves.
"It seems to speak mostly about series and things; I guess it is a scientific book."
"About serious things? That is good!"
"No, series."
"What! series? Oh yes, banknotes. Then it's something about managing money!"
"Yes, that's it, Marya Alekséyevna."
"Nu! what's the German one?"
Mikhaïl Ivanuitch read slowly:—
"'Concerning Religion; works of Ludwig.' Oh, yes, Ludwig the Fourteenth, Marya Alekséyevna; this is the work of Louis XIV. He was a French king, Marya Alekséyevna, the father of the king in whose place Napoleon is reigning now."
"Then it must be a theological work?"
"Yes, I think so."
"That is good, Mikhaïl Ivanuitch; yes, indeed, I knew it! Dmitri Sergéitch is a reliable young man; still one must keep his eyes sharp on any young man."
"Of course he has no bad intentions in his mind, but, for all that, I am extremely grateful to you, Marya Alekséyevna, for keeping your eyes open."
"One's got to do so; I am on the watch, Mikhaïl Ivanuitch; it's a mother's duty to keep her daughter straight, and I pledge you my honor as far as Viérotchka is concerned. But there's one thing occurs to me, Mikhaïl Ivanuitch. "What belief did that French king hold?"
"Catholic, naturally!"