their prestige and power of control; there is no middle class between them and the ignorant "poor white trash." Our only hope for a cordial Union is in this very class of poor white trash, composing the large majority of the Cotton States, whose highest ambition is now and will continue to be, to
"own a nigger;" until we take away the possibility of their ever doing so, by the utter destruction of slavery. That being done, they may be reached and educated into being our friends and fellow-citizens. Until that is done they must continue to hate us with the hatred of ignorance; and a cordial union, while they control the majority of votes in their respective States, will be impossible.
One reason of the unwillingness to face this necessity of emancipation, which may be thrust upon us whether we desire it or not, is the idea that cotton is, firstly, an article of prime necessity; secondly, that it can only be raised in sufficient quantity by the compulsory labor of the colored race. We will admit that cotton is the best material for clothing the larger portion of the human family,—intended by Almighty God for that purpose,—but let us hesitate long before we believe that such an article is dependent for its culture upon human slavery. To admit that, would be virtually to admit the most infamous doctrine of the slave propagandist, that God has ordained perpetual slavery.
The object of the present pamphlet is to prove, that labor upon cotton culture may be performed by whites with perfect ease and safety; that it will yield a larger return to the small cultivator than almost any other agricultural product of this country; and that free labor upon cotton is an absolute necessity, to enable this country to maintain its hold upon the cotton markets of Europe.
It is said that the slaves, after emancipation, will not work; that the spontaneous product of the soil will support