ters, after Ave had crossed the brook and were rising a little ascent, where General Lee's troops were stationed, General Washington ordered me to go to General Lee and tell him that it was his desire that he should draw up his troops on that ground in such a manner as if he was to receive an attack, or expected one; that, though he did not think it very probable that the enemy would make any attack upon him, yet, from the nearness of their situation, it was by no means impossible, he therefore washed him to run no risque, and that the officers and men should remain on their arms all night. General Washington said, you will also tell him, when you and the general officers, who I suppose may be now with him, have concerted measures for the attack, he will immediately send to General Dickinson and Colonel Morgan to let them know what parts they have to act. I accordingly went to General Lee's quarters, where I saw the Marquis de la Fayette, General Maxwell, and General Wayne, to the best of my recollection. I called General Lee out and delivered him the above order as nearly as I could. General Lee told me that when the troops had marched to that ground they were so exceedingly fatigued that he thought it a pity to add to it by any immediate movement; but that before night he would put them in the best position in his power to receive an attack; that, from his personal knowledge of General Clinton, Lord
Cornwallis, and Sir William Erskine, he thought it highly probable they might turn about and make a stroke at them; and that if he had not been personally acquainted with them, he would have expected it from them as officers; that he had just sent Mr. Mercer off to General Dickinson, but did not know where Colonel Morgan was.
Lieutenant-Colonel Meade being: sworn:
Q. Did General Washington send you with orders to General Lee the 28th of June?
A. On the morning of the 28th of June, General