THE STILT-WALKERS (Grallatores).
The Bustards (Otides):—The Great Bustard—The Little Bustard—The Houbaras—The Indian Houbara—The
African Ruffled Bustard—The Florikin 1-9
The Coursers (Tachydromi):—The Cream-coloured Courser—The Trochilus, or Crocodile Watcher—The
Pratincoles, or Swallow-winged Waders—The Collared Pratincole 9-14
The Thick-knees (Œdicnemi):—The Common Thick-knee, or Stone Curlew 14, 15
The Plovers (Charadrii):—The Golden Plover—The Ringed Plover—The Dotted Plovers—The Dotted Plover,
or Dotterel—The Shore Plovers—The Little Shore Plover, or Little Ringed Plover—The Lapwings, or
Peewits—The Peewit, or Lapwing—The Spur-winged Lapwing—The Lappeted Peewit—The Turnstone—The
Pied Oyster-catcher, or Sea Pie 15-29
The Snipes (Limicolæ):—The True Snipes—The Woodcock—The Marsh Snipes—The Common Snipe—The
Moor Snipes—The Jack Snipe 29-35
The Sandpipers (Tringæ):—The Curlew Sandpipers—The Pigmy Curlew Sandpiper—The Sanderling—The
Mud Sandpiper—The Dwarf Sandpiper—The Ruff 35-42
The Phalaropes (Phalaropi):—The Hyperborean Phalarope—The Red Phalarope 42-44
The Longshanks (Totani) 44, 45
The True Sandpipers (Actitis):—The Common Sandpiper—The Greenshank 45-47
The Godwits (Limosa):—The Red or Bar-tailed Godwit—The Black-winged S tilt 47-50
The Scooping Avocets (Recurvirostræ):—The Scooping Avocet 50, 51
The Curlews (Numenii):—The Great Curlew, or Whaap—The Hard-billed Waders—The Ibises—The
Falcinels—The Glossy Ibis—The Scarlet Ibis—The White, Egyptian, or Sacred Ibis 51-58