FAMILY III.—The Gulls (Lari), iv., 186.
Sub-Family 1.—The Fishing Gulls (Larus), iv., 187; the Great Black-headed Gull (L. marinus), iv., 188; the Lesser Black-backed Gull (L. fuscus), iv., 190. " " 2.—The Ice Gulls (Pagophila), iv., 193; the Ivory Gull (P. eburnea), iv., 193. " " 3.—The Kittiwakes (Rissa), iv., 194; the Kittiwake (R. tridactyla), iv., 194. " " 4.—The Black-headed Gulls (Chroicocephalus), iv., 195; the Laughing Gull (C. ridibundus), iv., 195; the Great Black-headed Gull (C. ichthyaëtus), iv., 197; the Lesser Black-headed Gull (C. melanocephalus), iv., 198; the Little Gull (C. minuta), iv., 198. " " 5.—The Rosy Gulls (Rhodostethia), iv., 203; Ross's Rosy Gull (R. Rossii), iv., 203.
FAMILY IV.—The Skuas (Lestres), iv., 198.
Sub-Family 1.—The Skuas (Lestris), iv., 198; the Common Skua (L. catarractes), iv., 199; Buffon's or the Parasite Skua (L. parasiticus), iv., 202.
FAMILY V.—The Albatrosses) (Diomedeæ), iv., 203.
Sub-Family 1.—The Albatrosses (Diomedea), iv., 203; the Wandering Albatross (D. exulans), iv., 205; the Yellow-billed Albatross (D. chlororhynchus), iv., 206; the Sooty Albatross (D. fuliginosa), iv., 207.
FAMILY VI.—The Petrels (Procellariæ), iv., 207.
Sub-Family 1.—The Giant Petrels (Procellaria), iv., 208; the Giant Petrel (P. gigantea), iv., 208; the Fulmar Petrel (P. glacialis), iv., 209; the Cape Petrel (P. Capensis), iv., 217. " " 2.—The Duck Petrels (Prion), iv., 213; the Duck Petrel (P. vittatus), iv., 213.
FAMILY VII.—The Storm Petrels (Oceanides), iv., 214.
Sub-Family 1.—The Storm Swallows (Thalassidroma), iv., 215; the Common Storm Petrel (T. pelagica), iv., 215. " " 2.—The Storm Swifts (Oceanodroma), iv., 217; Leach's Storm Petrel (O. Leachii), iv., 217.
FAMILY VIII.—The Puffins (Puffini), iv., 217.
Sub-Family 1.—The Puffins (Puffinus), iv., 217; the Manx Puffin, or Shearwater (P. Anglorum), iv., 218.
FAMILY I.—The Tropic Birds (Piscatrices), iv., 219.
Sub-Family 1.—The Tropic Birds Proper (Phaëton), iv., 219; the White-tailed Tropic Bird (P. æthereus),
iv., 220; the Red-tailed Tropic Bird (P. phœnicurus), iv., 220.
" " 2.—The Gannets (Sula), iv., 221; the Common Gannet (S. alba), iv., 223.
FAMILY II.—The Frigate Birds (Tachypetes), iv., 224.
Sub-Family 1.—The Frigate Birds (Tachypetes), iv., 224; the Frigate Bird (T. aquila), iv., 224.
FAMILY III.—The Cormorants (Haliei), iv., 227.
Sub-Family 1.—The Darters, or Snake Necks (Plotus), iv., 228; the Anhinga (P. anhinga), iv., 228; Le
Vaillant's Snake Bird (P. Levaillantii), iv., 230.
" " 2.—The Cormorants Proper (Phalacrocorax), iv., 230; the Cormorant (P. carbo), iv., 234.