FAMILY XXIV.—The Field Storks (Arvicolæ), iv., 91.
Sub-Family 1.—The Snake Cranes (Dicholophus), iv., 91; the Brazilian Cariama (D. cristatus), iv., 91. " " 2.—The Trumpeters (Psophia), iv., 94; the Agami (P. crepitans), iv., 94.
FAMILY XXV.—The Screamers (Palamedeæ), iv., 95.
Sub-Family 1.—The Horned Screamers (Palamedea), iv., 96; the Aniuma (P. cornuta), iv., 96. " " 2.—The Tschajas (Chauna), iv., 97; the Chauna, or Tschaja (C. Chavaria), iv., 97.
FAMILY XXVI.—The Rails (Ralli), iv., 98.
Sub-Family 1.—The Snipe Rails (Rhynchæa), iv., 98; the Golden Rail (R. Capensis), iv., 99. " " 2.—The Water Rails (Rallus), iv., 99; the Water Rail (R. aquaticus), iv., 99. " " 3.—The Aramides (Aramides), iv., 100; the Serrakura (A. gigas), iv., 101. " " 4.—The Land Rails (Crex), iv., 101; the Land Rail, or Corn Crake (C. pratensis), iv., 101.
FAMILY XXVII.—The Jacanas (Parræ), iv., 102.
Sub-Family 1.—The Jacanas Proper (Parra), iv., 102; the Chilian Jacana (P. Jacana), iv., 102. " " 2.—The Water Pheasants (Hydrophasianus), iv., 103; the Chinese Jacana, or Water Pheasant (H. Sinensis), iv., 103.
FAMILY XXVIII.—The Gallinules (Gallinulæ), iv., 103.
Sub-Family 1.—The Gallinules (Porphyrio), iv., 105; the Hyacinthine Porphyrio (P. hyacinthinus), iv., 105; the Purple Gallinule (P. chloronotus), iv., 106. " " 2.—The Water Hens (Stagnicola), iv., 106; the Common Moor-hen (S. chloropus), iv., 107. " " 3.—The Coots (Fulica), iv., 110; the Common Coot (F. atra), iv., 111.
FAMILY XXIX.—The Finfoots (Podoæ), iv., 112.
Sub-Family 1.—The Finfoots (Heliornis), iv., 112; the Surinam Finfoot, or Picapare (H. Surinamensis), iv., 112.
FAMILY I.—The Flamingoes (Phœnicopteri), iv., 115.
Sub-Family 1.—The Flamingoes (Phœnicopterus), iv., 115; the Flamingo (P. roseus), iv., 115.
FAMILY II.—The Swans (Cygni), iv., 119.
Sub-Family 1.—The Mute Swan (Cygnus olor), iv., 121.
" " 2.—The Whistling Swan (C. musicus), iv., 123.
" " 3.—Bewick's Swan (C. Bewickii), iv., 126.
" " 4.—The Black-necked Swan (C. nigricollis), iv., 126.
" " 5.—The Black Swan (C. atratus), iv., 127.
FAMILY III.—The Geese (Anseres), iv., 129.
Sub-Family 1.—The Spur-winged Geese (Plectropterus), iv., 131; the Spur-winged Goose (P. Gambensis),
iv., 131.