FAMILY VIII.—The Jungle Fowls (Galli), iii., 235.
Sub-Family 1.—The Jungle Fowls (Gallus), iii., 235; the Kasintu, or Red Jungle Fowl (G. Bankiva), iii., 235;
the Ceylon Jungle Fowl (G. Stanleyii), iii., 236; the Javanese Jungle Fowl (G. furcatus),
iii., 236; the Sonnerat Jungle Fowl (G. Sonnerati), iii., 237.
FAMILY IX.—The Pheasants (PHasiani), iii., 237.
Sub-Family 1.—The Macartney Pheasants (Euplocamus), iii., 238; the Siamese Fireback (E. prælatus),
iii., 238; the Sikkim Kaleege, or Black Pheasant (E. or Gallophasis melanotus), iii., 238;
the Kelitsch, or White-crested Kaleege Pheasant (E. or Gallophasis albocristatus),
iii., 239.
" " 2.—The Silver Pheasants (Nycthemerus), iii., 240; the Silver Pheasant (N. argentatus), iii., 240.
" " 3.—The Pheasants Proper (Phasianus), iii., 242; the Common Pheasant (P. colchicus), iii., 242;
the Chinese Ring-necked Pheasant (P. torquatus), iii., 243; the Japanese Pheasant
(P. versicolor), iii., 244; Sœmmering's Pheasant (P. Sœmmeringii), iii., 245; Reeves's
Pheasant (P. Reevesii), iii., 246.
" " 4.—The Golden Pheasants (Thaumalea), iii., 247; the Golden Pheasant (T. picta), iii., 247;
Lady Amherst's Pheasant (T. Amherstiæ), iii., 248.
" " 5.—The Eared Pheasants (Crossoptilon), iii., 250; the Chinese Eared Pheasant (C. auritum),
iii., 250.
" " 6.—The Argus Pheasants (Argus), iii., 250; the Argus Pheasant (A. giganteus), iii., 250.
" " 7.—The Peacock Pheasants (Polyplectron), iii., 251; the Chinquis, or Assam Peacock Pheasant
(P. chinquis), iii., 251.
FAMILY X.—The Peacocks (Pavones), iii., 253.
Sub-Family 1.—The Peacocks (Pavo), iii., 253; the Common Peacock (P. cristatus), iii., 254; the Black-winged
Peacock (P. nigripennis), iii., 255; the Japan Peacock (P. muticus), iii., 255.
FAMILY XI.—The Guinea Fowls (Numidæ), iii., 256.
Sub-Family 1.—The Royal Guinea Fowls (Acryllium), iii., 256; the Vulturine Royal Guinea Fowl
(A. vulturinum), iii., 256.
" " 2.—The Tufted Guinea Fowls (Guttera), iii., 257; Pucheran's Tufted Guinea Fowl (G. Pucheranii),
iii., 257.
" " 3.—The True Guinea Fowls (Numida), iii., 258; the Common Guinea Fowl (N. meleagris),
iii., 258; the Mitred Pintado (N. mitrata), iii., 258; the Tuft-beaked Pintado
(N. ptilorhyncha), iii., 259.
FAMILY XII.—The Turkeys (Meleagrides), iii., 259.
Sub-Family 1.—The Turkeys (Meleagris), iii., 259; the Puter, or Wild Turkey (M. gallopavo), iii., 259.
FAMILY XIII.—The Australian Jungle Fowl (Tallegalli), iii., 264.
Sub-Family 1.—The Brush Turkeys (Catheturus), iii., 266; the Brush Turkey (C. Lathamii), iii., 266.
" " 2.—The Maleos (Megacephalon), iii., 268; the Maleo (M. Maleo), iii., 268.
" " 3.—The Leipoas (Leipoa), iii., 270; the Ocellated Leipoa (L. ocellata), iii., 270.
FAMILY XIV.—The Megapodes (Megapodii), iii., 273.
Sub-Family 1.—The Megapodes (Megapodius), iii., 273; the Australian Megapode (M. tumulus), iii., 273.
FAMILY XV.—The Curassows (Cracidæ), iii., 275.
Sub-Family 1.—The True Curassows, or Hoccos (Craces), iii., 276; the Common or Crested Curassow
(Crax alector), iii., 276; the Wattled Curassow (C. carunculata), iii., 278; the Red
Curassow (C. rubra), iii., 278; the Galeated Curassow (C. pauxi), iii., 278.
" " 2.—The Mountain Curassows (Oreophasis), iii., 278; the Mountain Curassow (O. Derbyanus),
iii., 278.