FAMILY VI.—The Tree-climbers (Anabatæ), iii., 15.
Sub-Family 1.—The Bundle-nests (Phacellodomus), iii., 16; the Red-fronted Bundle-nest (P. rufifrons),
iii., 17.
FAMILY VII.—The Oven Birds (Furnarii), iii., 18.
Sub-Family 1.—The Oven Birds (Furnarius), iii., 18; the Red Oven Bird (F. rufus), iii., 18.
" " 2.—The Ground Woodpeckers (Geositta), iii., 19; the Burrowing Ground Woodpecker (G. cunicularia),
iii., 19.
" " 3.—The Stair-beaks (Xenops), iii., 19; the Hairy-checked Stair-beak (N. genibarbis), iii., 20.
FAMILY VIII.—The Nuthatches (Sittæ), iii., 20.
Sub-Family 1.—The Nuthatches (Sitta), iii., 20; the Common Nuthatch (S. cæsia), iii., 21; the Syrian
Nuthatch (S. Syriaca), iii., 22.
" " 2.—The Creepers (Sitella), iii., 22; the Bonneted Creeper (S. pileata), iii., 22.
FAMILY IX.—The Wall Creepers (Tichodromæ), iii., 23.
Sub-Family 1.—The Wall Creepers (Tichodroma), iii., 23; the Alpine or Red-winged Wall Creeper
(T. muraria), iii., 23.
FAMILY X.—The Tree Creepers (Scandentes), iii., 24.
Sub-Family 1.—The Tree Creepers (Certhia), iii., 23; the Common Tree Creeper (C. familiaris), iii., 25.
" " 2.—The Sabre Bills (Xiphorhynchus), iii., 26; the Sabre Bill (X. trochilorostris), iii., 26.
" " 3.—The Tree Choppers (Dendroplex), iii., 26; the Woodpecker Tree Chopper (D. picus), iii., 26.
FAMILY XI.—The Woodpeckers (Picidæ), ii., 26.
Sub-Family 1.—The Black Woodpeckers (Dryocopus), iii., 27; the European Black Woodpecker
(D. martius), iii., 27.
" " 2.—The Giant Woodpeckers (Campephilus), iii., 28; the Imperial Woodpecker (C. imperialis),
iii., 30; the Ivory-billed Woodpecker (C. principalis), iii., 30.
FAMILY XII.—The Black Woodpeckers (Melanerpes), iii., 34.
Sub-Family 1.—The Black Woodpeckers (Melanerpes), iii., 34; the Red-headed Black Woodpecker
(M. erythrocephalus), iii., 34; the Ant-eating Black Woodpecker (M. formicivorus),
iii., 36.
FAMILY XIII.—The Variegated Woodpeckers (Pici), iii., 36.
Sub-Family 1.—The Variegated Woodpeckers (Picus), iii., 36; the Great Spotted Woodpecker (P. major),
iii., 36.
" " 2.—The Harlequin Woodpeckers (Piculus), iii., 37; the Harlequin Woodpecker (P. minor), iii., 37.
" " 3.—The Three-toed Woodpeckers (Apternus), iii., 38; the Three-toed Woodpecker (A. tridactylus),
iii., 38.
FAMILY XIV.—The Green Woodpeckers (Gecini), iii., 39.
Sub-Family 1.—The Green Woodpeckers (Gecinus), iii., 39; the Green Woodpecker (G. viridis), iii., 39.