FAMILY XXIV.—The Marsh Warblers (Calamodytæ), ii., 257.
Sub-Family 1.—The Reed Warblers (Acrocephalus), ii., 258; the True Reed Warbler (A. turdoides), ii., 258.
" " 2.—The Sedge Warblers (Calamodus), ii., 259; the Sedge Warbler (C. phragmitis), ii., 259.
" " 3—The Grasshopper Warblers (Locustella), ii., 261; the Grasshopper Warbler (L. certhiola),
ii., 261.
FAMILY XXV.—The Bush Warblers (Drymoicæ), ii., 262.
Sub-Family 1.—The Bush Warblers (Cisticola), ii., 262; the Pinc-Pinc (C. schœnicola), ii., 263.
" " 2.—The Tailor Birds (Orthotomus), ii., 264; the Tailor Bird (O. longicauda), ii., 265.
" " 3.—The Emu Wrens (Stipiturus), ii., 266; the Emu Wren (S. malachurus), ii., 266.
FAMILY XXVI.—The Wrens (Troglodytæ), ii., 269.
Sub-Family 1.—The Wrens Proper (Troglodytes), ii., 270; the Common Wren (T. parvulus), ii., 270.
" " 2.—The Marsh Wrens (Thryothorus), ii., 271; the Carolina Wren (T. Ludovicianus), ii., 272;
the House Wren (T. platensis), ii., 273.
" " 3.—The Flute Players (Cyphorhinus), ii., 273; the Flute Players (C. cantans), ii., 273.
FAMILY XXVII.—The Pipits (Anthi), ii., 274.
Sub-Family 1.—The True Pipits (Anthus), ii., 274; the Meadow Pipit (A. pratensis), ii., 274; the Tree Pipit
(A. arboreus), ii., 275; the Rock Pipit (A. petrosus), ii., 278.
" " 2.—The Field Pipits (Agrodroma), ii., 279; the Stone or Fallow-land Pipit (A. campestris),
ii., 279.
" " 3.—The Spurred Pipits (Corydalla), ii., 281; Richard's Spurred Pipit (C. Richardii), ii., 282.
FAMILY XXVIII.—The Wagtails (Motacillæ), ii., 282.
Sub-Family 1.—The True Wagtails (Motacilla), ii., 282; the White Wagtail (M. alba), ii., 283; the Pied
Wagtail (M. Yarrellii), ii., 285; the Dhobin (M. Dukhunensis), ii., 286; the Rock
Wagtail (M. Lichtensteinii), ii., 286.
" " 2.—The Mountain Wagtails (Calobates), ii., 287; the Mountain Wagtail (C. sulphurea), ii., 287.
" " 3.—The Sheep Wagtails (Budytes), ii., 288; the Cow or Meadow Wagtail (B. flavus), ii., 289;
Ray's Wagtail (B. Rayii), ii., 289; the Velvet-headed or Sheep Wagtail (B. melanocephalus),
ii., 290; the Yellow-headed Wagtail (B. citreolus), ii., 291.
" " 4.—The Wood Wagtails (Nemoricola), ii., 291; the Gomarita, or Garden Wagtail (N. Indica),
ii., 291.
" " 5.—The Swallow Wagtails (Enicurus), ii., 192; the Meninting (E. coronatus), ii., 292.
FAMILY XXIX.—The Accentors (Accentores), ii., 292.
Sub-Family 1.—The Hedge Sparrows, or Hedge Warblers (Tharraleus), ii., 294; the Hedge Warbler
(T. modularis), ii., 294; the Siberian Accentor (T. montanellus), ii., 295.
" " 2.—The Lark Accentors (Accentor), ii., 295; the Alpine Accentor (A. Alpinus), ii., 295.
FAMILY XXX.—The Tits (Pari), ii., 296.
Sub-Family 1.—The Crested Wrens, or Kinglets (Regulus), ii., 297; the Golden-crested Wren (R. auricapillus),
ii., 298; the Dalmatian Wren (R. modestus), ii., 298; the Fire-crested Wren (R. ignicapillus),
ii., 299; the Satrap Crowned Wren (R. satrapa), ii., 299; the Ruby-crowned
Wren (R. calendulus), ii., 301.
" " 2.—The Penduline Titmice (Ægithalus), ii., 302; the Penduline Titmouse (Æ. pendulinus),
ii., 302.