" " 2.—The Red Mocking Thrushes (Taxostoma), ii., 216; the Ferruginous Mocking Bird
(T. rufum), ii., 216.
" " 3.—The Cat Birds (Galeoscoptes), ii., 216; the Cat Bird (G. Carolinensis), ii., 216.
FAMILY XVII.—The Babblers (Timaliæ), ii., 218.
Sub-Family 1.—The Grey Birds (Pycnonotus), ii., 218; the Grey Bird (P. arsinoë), ii., 218; Le Vaillant's
Grey Bird (P. Vaillantii), ii., 219.
" " 2.—The True Babblers (Timalia), ii., 220; the Red-headed Babbler (T. pileata), ii., 220.
" " 3.—The Hook-clawed Babblers (Crateropus), ii., 221; the White-rumped Babbler (C. leucopygius),
ii., 221.
" " 4.—The Laughing Thrushes (Garrulax), ii., 222; the White-tufted Laughing Thrush
(G. leucolophus), ii., 223.
FAMILY XVIII.—The Water Ouzels (Cinclus), ii., 223.
Sub-Family 1.—The Water Ouzels (Cinclus), ii., 223; the Water Ouzel, or Dipper (C. aquaticus), ii., 223;
the American Water Ouzel (C. Americanus), ii., 228.
FAMILY XIX.—The Pittas (Pittæ), ii., 228.
Sub-Family 1.—The Pittas, or Painted Thrushes (Pitta), ii., 228; the Nurang (P. Bengalensis), ii., 228; the
Pulih (P. Angolensis), ii., 229; the Noisy Pitta (P. strepitans), ii., 229.
FAMILY XX.—The Ant Thrushes (Myiotheræ), ii., 230.
Sub-Family 1.—The Ant Birds (Pyriglena), ii., 230; the Fire Eye (P. domicella), ii., 230.
" " 2.—The Ant Kings (Grallaria), ii., 231; the Ant King (G. rex), ii., 231.
" " 3.—The Tapacolos (Pteroptochus), ii., 231; the Tapacolo, or Tualo (P. megapodius), ii., 231.
FAMILY XXI.—The Lyre-tails (Menuræ), ii., 232.
Sub-Family 1.—The Lyre-tails (Menura), ii., 232; the Lyre Bird (M. superba), ii., 232.
FAMILY XXII.—The Song Warblers (Sylviæ), ii., 237.
Sub-Family 1.—The True Song Warblers (Curruca), ii, 238; the Sparrow-hawk Warbler (C. nisoria),
ii., 238; the Orpheus Warbler (C. Orphea), ii., 239; the Greater Pettichaps (C. or Sylvia
hortensis), ii., 240; the Lesser White-throat (C. garrula), ii., 242; the Capirote, or
Black-cap (C. atricapilla), ii., 243; the White-throat (C. cinerea), ii., 245; the Spectacled
Warbler (C. conspiculata), ii., 246; the White-throated Warbler (C. leucopogon), ii., 247.
" " 2.—The Fire-eyed Warblers (Pyrophthalma), ii., 247; the Black-headed Fire-eyed Warbler
(P. melanocephala), ii., 248; the Sardinian Fire-eyed Black-head (P. Sarda), ii., 249;
the Provence or Dartford Warbler (P. Provincialis), ii., 249.
FAMILY XXIII.—The Tree Warblers (Phylloscopi), ii., 252.
Sub-Family 1.—The Tree Warblers (Phyllopneuste), ii., 252; the Field Tree Warbler, or Willow Wren
(P. Trochilus), ii., 252.
" " 2.—The Leaf Wrens (Reguloides), ii., 254; the Leaf Wren (R. Proregulus), ii., 254.
" " 3.—The Garden Warblers (Hypolais), ii., 254; the Melodious Willow Wren (H. hortensis, or
H. salicari), ii., 254; the Chiff-Chaff (H. or Sylvia rufa), ii., 255; the Ashy Garden
Warbler (H. cinerescens), ii., 256.