" " 3.—The Mountain or Shore Swallows (Cotyle), ii., 111; the Rock Swallows (C. rupestris),
ii., 111; the Sand Martin (C. riparia), ii., 112.
" " 4.—The Wood Swallows (Atticora), ii., 114; the Striped Wood Swallow (A. fasciata), ii., 114.
" " 5.—The Sailor Swallows (Progne), ii., 114; the Purple Swallow (P. purpurea), ii., 114.
FAMILY II.—The Swifts (Cypseli), ii., 115.
Sub-Family 1.—The Tree Swifts (Dendrochelidon), ii., 118; the Klecho (D. klecho), ii., 118. " " 2.—The Salanganes (Collocalia), ii., 118; the Salangane Proper (C. nidifica), ii., 118; the Kusappi (C. fuciphaga), ii., 119. " " 3.—The Prickly-tailed Swifts (Acanthylis), ii., 121; the White-throated Prickly-tailed Swift (A. caudatus), ii., 122. " " 4.—The Swifts Proper (Cypselus), ii., 122; the Dwarf Swift (C. parvus), ii., 122; the Palm-tree Swift (C. palmarum), ii., 122; the Steeple Swift (C. apus), ii., 122; the Alpine Swift (C. Melba), ii., 123.
FAMILY III.—The Goatsuckers (Caprimulgi), ii., 124.
Sub-Family 1.—The Podagers (Podager), ii., 125; the Nacunda (P. nacunda), ii., 125. " " 2.—The Twilight Night Jars (Chordeiles), ii., 126; the Night Falcon (C. Virginianus), ii., 126. " " 3.—The Goatsuckers (Caprimulgus), ii., 127; the European Night Jar (C. Europæus), ii., 127; the Resplendent Goatsucker (C. eximius), ii., 128. " " 4.—The Bristled Night Jars (Antrostomus), ii., 128; the Whip-poor-Will (A. vociferus), ii., 128. " " 5.—The African Night Jars (Scotornis), ii., 129; the African Night Jar (S. climacurus), ii., 129. " " 6.—The Lyre-tailed Night Jars (Hydropsalis), ii., 130; the Lyre-tailed Night Jar (H. forcipata), ii., 130. " " 7.—The Streamer Night Jars (Macrodipteryx), ii., 131; the Long-winged Macrodipteryx (M. longipennis), ii., 131; the Streamer-bearing Night Jar (M. or Cosmetornis vexillarius), ii., 131. " " 8.—The Giant Goatsuckers (Nyctibius), ii., 134; the Ibijau, or Earth-eater (N. grandis), ii., 134.
FAMILY IV.—The Oil Birds (Steatornithes), ii., 135.
Sub-Family 1.—The Guachero, or Oil Bird (Steatornis Caripensis), ii., 135.
FAMILY V.—The Owl Swallows (Podargi), ii., 136.
Sub-Family 1.—The Dwarf Owl Swallows (Ægotheles), ii., 136; the Dwarf Owl Swallow (Æ. Novæ-Hollandiæ), ii., 137. " " 2.—The Giant Owl Swallows (Podargus), ii., 138; the Giant Owl Swallow (P. humeralis), ii., 138. " " 3.—The Frog-mouths (Batrachostomus), ii., 140; the Plumed Frog-mouth (B. cornutus or Javanicus), ii., 140.
FAMILY I.—The Shrikes (Lanii), ii., 141.
Sub-Family 1.—The Butcher Birds (Lanius), ii., 141; the Sentinel Butcher Bird, or Great Grey Shrike
(L. excubitor), ii., 142; the Southern Shrike (L. meridionalis), ii., 143; the Black-browed
Shrike (L. minor), ii., 143.