" " 9.—The Sea Eagles (Haliaëtos), ii., 23; the Sea Eagle (H. albicilla), ii., 23; the White-headed
Sea Eagle (H. leucocephalus), ii., 23; the African Screaming Sea Eagle (H. vocifer),
ii., 27.
" " 10.—The River Eagles, or Fish Hawks (Pandion), ii., 30; the Osprey (P. Haliaëtos), ii., 30.
FAMILY IV.—The Kites (Milvi), ii., 31.
Sub-Family 1.—The Short-tailed Kites (Helotarsus), ii., 32; the Short-tailed Kite (H. ecaudatus), ii., 32.
" " 2.—The Gliding Kites (Elanus), ii., 34; the True Gliding Kite (E. melanopterus), ii., 34.
" " 3.—The Hovering Kites (Ictinia), ii., 35; the Mississippi Kite (I. Mississippensis), ii., 35.
" " 4.—The Crooked-billed Kites (Cymindis), ii., 36; the Buzzard Kite (C. uncinatus), ii., 36.
" " 5.—The Hooded Kites (Baza), ii., 37; the Syama (B. lophotes), ii., 37.
" " 6.—The Water Kites (Hydroictinia), ii., 37; the Black Kite (H. atra), ii., 37; the Govinda
(H. Govinda), ii., 39; the Parasite Kite (H. parasitica), ii., 39.
" " 7.—The True Kites (Milvus), ii., 40; the Red or Royal Kite (M. regalis), ii., 40.
" " 8.—The Swallow-tailed Kites (Nauclerus), ii., 41; the Swallow-tailed Kite (N. furcatus), ii., 41.
" " 9.—The Dwarf Swallow-tailed Kites (Chelidopterix), ii., 42; the Dwarf Swallow-tailed Kite
(C. Riocouri), ii., 43.
" " 10.—The Meadow Kites (Strigiceps), ii., 43; the Blue Kite, or Hen Harrier (S. cyaneus), ii., 43;
the Pallid Harrier (S. pallidus), ii., 43; the Ash-coloured Harrier (S. cineraceus), ii., 44.
" " 11.—The Marsh Kites (Circus), ii., 45; the Reed Kite, or Marsh Harrier (C. rufus), ii., 45.
" " 12.—The Spotted Kites (Spilocircus), ii., 46; Jardine's Spotted Kite (S. Jardinii), ii., 46.
FAMILY V.—The Buzzards (Buteones), ii., 47.
Sub-Family 1—The Eagle Buzzards (Circaëtos), ii., 47; the Snake Buzzard (C. brachydactylus), ii., 48.
" " 2.—The Crested Buzzards (Spilornis), ii., 50; the Bacha (S. Bacha), ii., 50.
" " 3.—The Honey Buzzards (Pernis), ii., 50; the Wasp Kite (P. apivorus), ii., 50; the Crested Honey
Buzzard (P. cristatus), ii., 52.
" " 4.—The Rough-legged Buzzards (Archibuteo), ii., 52; the Winter Buzzard (A. Lagopus), ii., 52.
" " 5.—The True Buzzards (Buteo), ii., 52; the Common or Mouse Buzzard (B. vulgaris), ii., 52.
" " 6.—The Grasshopper Buzzards (Poliornis), ii., 54; the Red-winged Buzzard (P. rufipennis),
ii., 54; the Tesa (P. tesa), ii., 54.
" " 7.—The Hook-beaked Buzzards (Rostrhamus), ii., 55; the Caracolero (R. hamatus), ii., 55.
" " 8.—The Urubitingas (Hypomorphnus), ii., 55; the Urubitinga (H. Urubitinga), ii., 55.
FAMILY VI.—The Vulture Falcons (Polybori), ii., 56.
Sub-Family 1.—The Vulture Buzzards (Milvago), ii., 57; the Chimango (M. Chimachima), ii., 57; the Vulture
Buzzard (M. Australis), ii., 58.
" " 2—The Vulture Falcons (Polyborus), ii., 58; the Carancho (P. Brasiliensis), ii., 58.
" " 3.—The Screaming Buzzards (Ibicter), ii., 60; the Ganga (I. Americanus), ii., 60.
FAMILY VII.—The Crane Vultures (Gypogerani), ii., 62.
Sub-Family 1.—The Secretary or Crane Vulture (Gypogeranus serpentarius), ii., 62.
FAMILY VIII.—The Vulture Eagles (Gypaëti), ii., 67.
Sub-Family 1.—The Lämmergeier (Gypaëtos), ii., 67; the Bearded Vulture (G. barbatus), ii., 67.
FAMILY IX.—The Vultures Proper (Vultures), ii., 69.
Sub-Family 1.—The Wattled Vultures (Sarcorhamphus), ii., 70; the Condor (Sarcorhamphus gryphus),
ii., 70; the Californian Condor (S. Californianus), ii., 71; the King of the Vultures
(S. papa), ii., 71.