" " 2.—The Spiral-tailed Birds of Paradise (Cincinnurus), i., 250; the King of the Birds of Paradise
(C. regius), i., 250.
" " 3.—The Collared Birds of Paradise (Lophorina), i., 251; the Collared Bird of Paradise
(L. superba), i., 251.
" " 4.—The Ornate Birds of Paradise (Parotia), i., 251; the Six-feathered Birds of Paradise
(P. sex-pennis), i., 251.
" " 5.—The Resplendent Epimachi (Seleucides), i., 251; the Resplendent Epimachus (S. resplendens),
i., 251.
" " 6.—The Epimachi Proper (Epimachus), i., 252; the Collared Epimachus (E. magnus), i., 252.
" " 7.—The Magpie Birds of Paradise (Astrapiæ), i., 253; the Magpie Bird of Paradise (A. gularis),
i., 253.
FAMILY VI.—The Ravens (Coraces), i., 254.
Sub-Family 1.—The Choughs (Fregilus), i., 254; the Chough (F. graculus), i., 254.
" " 2.—The Alpine Choughs (Pyrrhocorax), i., 255; the Alpine Chough (P. alpinus), i., 255.
" " 3.—The Ravens Proper (Corax), i., 257; the Raven (C. nobilis), i., 257.
" " 4.—The Vulture Ravens (Corvultur), i., 259; the White-necked Vulture Raven (C. albicollis),
i., 259; the Thick-billed Vulture Raven (C. crassirostris), i., 259.
" " 5.—The Ornamented Ravens (Pterocorax), i., 260; the Scapulated Raven (P. scapulatus),
i., 260.
" " 6.—The Crows (Corvus), i., 262; the Carrion Crow (C. corona), i., 262; the Hooded Crow
(C. cornix), i., 262.
" " 7.—The Rooks (Frugilegus) i., 264; the Rook (F. segetum), i., 264.
" " 8.—The Jackdaws (Monedula), i., 266; the Jackdaw (M. turrium), i., 266.
" " 9.—The Glossy Crows (Anomalocorax), i., 267; the Glossy Crow (A. splendens), i., 267.
" " 10.—The Nut-crackers (Nucifraga), i., 269; the Nut-cracker (N. caryocatactes), i., 269.
" " 11.—The Piping Crows (Gymnorhina), i., 270; the Flute Bird (G. tibicen), i., 270.
" " 12.—The Bell Magpies (Strepera), i., 271; the Bell Bird (S. graculina), i., 271.
" " 13.—The Bald-headed Crows (Picathartes), i., 271; the Bald-headed Crow (P. gymnocephalus),
i., 271.
FAMILY VII.—The Jays (Garruli), i., 272.
Sub-Family 1.—The Magpies (Pica), i., 272; the Magpie (P. caudata), i., 272.
" " 2.—The Blue Magpies (Cyanopica), i., 274; the Blue Magpie (C. Cookii), i., 274.
" " 3.—The Blue Ravens (Cyanocorax), i., 275; the Hooded Blue Raven (C. pileatus), i., 275.
" " 4.—The Blue Jackdaws (Cyanocitta), i., 275; the Crested Blue Jackdaw (C. cristata), i., 275.
" " 5.—The Jays Proper (Garrulus), i., 278; the Common Jay (G. glandarius), i., 278.
" " 6.—The Unlucky Jays (Perisoreus), i., 279; the Unlucky Jay (P. infaustus), i., 279.
" " 7.—The Tree Magpies (Dendrocitta), i., 280; the Wandering Magpie (D. vagabunda), i., 280.
" " 8.—The Benteots (Crypsirhina), i., 281; the Benteot (C. varians), i., 281.
" " 9.—The Stump Jays (Temnurus) i., 282; the Saw-tail (T. truncatus), i., 282.
" " 10.—The Long-tailed Kittas (Urocissa), i., 282; the Long-tailed Kitta (U. Sinensis), i., 282.
" " 11.—The Feather-Beaks (Cissa), i., 283; the Sirgang (C. Sinensis), i., 283.
FAMILY VIII.—The Plantain Eaters (Amphibolæ), i., 283.
Sub-Family 1.—The True Plantain Eaters (Musophagæ), i., 283; the Banana Eater (M. violacea), i., 284.
" " 2.—The Helmet Birds (Corythaix), i., 285; the White-cheeked Helmet Bird (C. leucotis),
i., 285.
" " 3.—The Turakos (Corythacola), i., 286; the Crested Turako (C. cristata), i., 286.
" " 4.—The Split-beaks (Schizorhis), i., 287; the Alarm Bird (S. zonurus), i., 287.
" " 5.—The Mouse Birds (Colii), i., 288; the Wiriwa, or White-cheeked Mouse Bird (C. leucotis),
i., 289.