" " 8.—The Variegated Finches (Emblema), i., 162; the Variegated Finch (E. picta), i., 162.
" " 9.—The Bright Finches (Hypochera), i., 163; the Steel Finch (H. ultramarina), i., 163.
" " 10.—The Butterfly Finches (Mariposa), i., 163; the Butterfly Finch (M. phœnicotis), i., 163.
" " 11.—Astrilds (Astrilda), i., 164; the Pheasant Finch (A. undulata), i., 164.
FAMILY IX.—The Weaver Birds (Plocei), i., 166.
Sub-Family 1.—The Social Weaver Birds (Philetaërus), i., 167; the Social Weaver Bird (P. socius), i., 167.
" " 2.—The Yellow Weaver Birds (Ploceus), i., 168; the Golden Weaver Bird (P. galbula), i., 168.
" " 3.—The Bayas, or Bunting Weaver Birds (Nelicurvius), i., 170; the Baya (N. Baya), i., 170.
" " 4.—The Crimson-beaked Weaver Birds (Quelea), i., 171; the Crimson-beaked Weaver Bird, or
Diock (Q. sanguinirostris), i., 171.
" " 5.—The Tahas (Taha), i., 174; the Taha (T. dubia), i., 174.
" " 6.—The Fire-finches (Euplectes), i., 174; the Flame-coloured Fire-finch (E. ignicolor), i., 175.
" " 7.—The Buffalo Weaver Birds (Textor), i., 176; the Alecto Buffalo Weaver Bird (T. Alecto),
i., 177.
FAMILY X.—The Whydah or Widow Birds (Viduæ), i., 178.
Sub-Family 1.—The Mourning Widows (Coliuspasser), i., 179; the Yellow-shouldered Mourning Widow
(C. flaviscapulatus), i., 179.
" " 2.—The Long-tailed Widow Birds (Chera), i., 179; the Long-tailed Widow Bird (C. caffra),
i., 179.
" " 3.—The Cock-tailed Widow Birds (Steganura), i., 180; the Paradise Widow Bird (S. paradisea),
i., 180.
FAMILY XI.—The Bunting Finches (Passerellæ), i., 181.
Sub-Family 1.—The Morning Finches (Zonotrichia), i., 181; the White-throated Sparrow (Z. albicollis),
i., 182; the Morning Finch (Z. matutina), i., 182.
" " 2.—The Bunting Finches Proper (Spizella), i., 183; the Tree Bunting Finch (S. Canadensis),
i., 183.
" " 3.—The Prairie Bunting Finches (Passerculus), i., 184; the Prairie Bunting Finch (P. savannus),
i., 184.
" " 4.—The Shore Finches (Ammodromus), i., 184; the Sea Bunting Finch (A. maritimus), i., 184.
FAMILY XII.—The Buntings (Emberizæ), i., 185.
Sub-Family 1.—The Crested Buntings (Gubernatrix), i., 185; the Crested Bunting (G. cristatella), i., 185.
" " 2.—The Grey Buntings (Miliaria), i., 186; the Grey Bunting (M. valida), i., 186.
" " 3.—The True Buntings (Emberiza), i., 187; the Golden or Yellow Bunting (E. citrinella), i., 187;
the Ortolan (E. or Glycyspina hortulana), i., 188; the Red Bunting (E. or Glycyspina
cia), i., 190.
" " 4.—The Ornate Buntings (Euspiza), i., 190; the Black-headed Bunting (E. melanocephala),
i., 190.
" " 5.—The Reed Buntings (Cynchramus), i., 191; the Reed Bunting (C. Schœniclus), i., 191.
" " 6.—The Spurred Buntings (Centrophanes), i., 191; the Lark Bunting (C. Lapponicus), i., 192.
" " 7.—The Winter Buntings (Plectrophanes), i., 194; the Snow Bunting (P. nivalis), i., 194.
FAMILY XIII.—The Larks (Alaudæ), i., 195.
Sub-Family 1.—The Calandra Larks (Melanocorypha), i., 196; the Calandra Lark (M. calandra), i., 197; the
Short-toed Lark, or Calandrelle (M. or Calandritis brachydactyla), i., 198.
" " 2.—The Black Larks (Saxilauda), i., 199; the Black or Moor Lark (S. Tatarica), i., 199.
" " 3.—The Sand Larks (Ammomanes), i., 199; the Desert Lark (A. deserti), i., 199.
" " 4.—The Bunting Larks (Pyrrhulauda), i., 200; the Black-headed Bunting Lark (P. leucotis),
i., 201.
" " 5.—The Mountain Larks (Phileremos), i., 201; the Alpine Lark (P. alpestris), i., 201.
" " 6.—The Tufted Larks (Galerita), i., 203; the Tufted Lark (G. cristata), i., 203.