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FAMILY VI.The Parrakeets (Palæornithes), i., 66.

 Sub-Family 1.—The Noble Parrakeets (Palæornis), i., 67; the Collared or Rose-ringed Parrot (P. torquata), i., 67; the Bettet (P. pondiceriana), i., 68. " " 2.—The Superb Parrots (Polytelis), i., 69; the Scarlet-crested Superb Parrot (P. Barrabandi), i., 69. " " 3.—The Grass Parrots (Platycercus), i., 70; the Rosella (P. eximius), i., 70. " " 4.—The Variegated Parrots (Psephotus), i., 71; the Variegated Parrot (P. multicolor), i., 71. " " 5.—The Ornamented Parrots (Melopsittacus), i., 72; the Waved Parrot (M. undulatus), i., 72. " " 6.—The Gay Parrots (Nymphicus), i., 77; the Corella (N. Novæ-Hollandiæ), i., 77. " " 7.—The Ground Parrakeets (Pezoporus), i., 78; the Ground Parrakeets (P. formosus), i.,78.

FAMILY VI.The Lories (Lorii), i., 79.

 Sub-Family 1.—The Lories Proper (Lorius), i., 79; the Purple-capped Lory (L. domicella), i., 79. " " 2.—The Lorikeets (Psitteuteles), i., 79; the Dappled Lorikeet (P. versicolor), i., 79. " " 3.—The Purple Lories (Coryphilus), i., 81; the Maiden Lorikeet (C. Tahitianus), i., 81. " " 4.—The Long-tailed Lories (Pyrrhodes), i., 82; the Rasmalas (P. Papuensis), i., 82.



FAMILY I.The Cross-bills (Loxiæ), i., 85.

Sub-Family 1.—The True Cross-bills (Loxia), i., 85; the Large-beaked Cross-bill (L. pityopsittacus), i., 86;
  the Pine-tree Cross-bill (L. curvirostra), i., 86; the Banded Cross-bill (L. tænioptera),
  i., 86.
  " " 2.—The Parrot Greenfinches (Psittirostra), i., 91; the Parrot Greenfinch (P. psittacea), i., 91.

FAMILY II.The Bullfinches (Pyrrhulæ), i., 92.

Sub-Family 1.—The Parrot Bullfinches (Paradoxornis), i., 92; the Parrot Bullfinch (P. flavirostris), i., 92.
  " " 2.—The Pine Grosbeaks (Pinicola), i., 93; the Pine Grosbeak (P. enucleator), i., 93.
  " " 3.—The Carmine Grosbeaks (Erythrothorax), i., 95; the Rose Bullfinch (E. roseus), i., 95;
  the Carmine Bullfinch, (E. erythrinus), i., 95.
  " " 4.—The Long-tailed Bullfinches (Uragus), i., 97; the Siberian Bullfinch (U. Sibericus), i. 97.
  " " 5.—The Desert Bullfinches (Bucanetes), i., 98; the Vinous Grosbeak (B. githagineus), i., 98.
  " " 6.—The True Bullfinches (Pyrrhula), i., 102; the Bullfinch (P. vulgaris), i., 102.
  " " 7.—The Garden Bullfinches (Serinus), i., 106; the Girlitz (S. hortulanus), i., 106.
  " " 8.—The Tree Bullfinches (Dryospiza), i., 108; the Canary-bird (D. Canaria), i., 108.

FAMILY III.The Finches (Fringillæ), i., 114.

Sub-Family 1.—The True Finches (Fringilla), i., 114; the Chaffinch (F. cœlebs), i., 115; the Mountain Finch
  (F. montifringilla), i., 118.
  " " 2.—The Mountain Finches (Montifringilla), i., 119; the Snow Finch (M. nivalis), i., 119.
  " " 3.—The Winter Finches (Nyphæa), i., 119; the Winter Finch (N. hyemalis), i., 119.
  " " 4.—The Linnets (Cannabinæ), i., 122; the Brown Linnet (C. linota), i., 122; the Mountain or
  Grey Linnet (C. montium), i , 124.
  " " 5.—The Birch Siskins (Linaria), i., 124; the Birch-tree Siskin (L. rubra), i., 124.
  " " 6.—The True Siskins (Spinus), i., 127; the Common Siskin (S. viridis), i., 127.
  " " 7.—The Thistle Finches (Carduelis), i., 129; the Goldfinch (C. elegans), i., 129.
  " " 8.—The Golden Thistle Finches (Astragalinus), i.. 130; the Golden Thistle Finch (A. tristis),
  i., 130.

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