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33. The Common Bittern (Botaurus stellaris) 85

34. The Sun Bittern, or Peacock Heron (Eurypyga
helias) 88

35. Crowned, Demoiselle, and Common Cranes 92

36. The Cariama, or Crested Screamer (Dicholophus
cristatus) 93

37. The Gold-breasted Trumpeter (Psophia crepitans) 96

38. The Aniuma, or Horned Screamer (Palamedea
cornuta) 97

39. The Golden Rail, or Painted Cape Snipe
(Rhynchæa Capensis) 100

40. The Jacana (Parra Jacana) 104

41. The Hyacinthine Porphyrio (Porphyrio hyacinthinus) 108

42. Home of the Moor-hens (Gallinula chloropus) 109

43. The Stilt Bird (Charadrius himantopus) 113

44. The Flamingo (Phœnicopterus roseus) 116

45. The Whistling Swan (Cygnus musicus) 124

46. Black-necked Swans (Cygnus nigricollis) 128

47. The Black Swan (Cygnus or Chenopsis atratus) 129

48. The Spur-winged Goose (Plectropterus Gambensis) 132

49. The Grey or Wild Goose (Anser cinereus) 133

50. The Brent Goose (Bernicla torquata) 137

51. The Nile Goose (Chenalopex Ægyptiacus) 140

52. Cereopsis Geese 141

53. The Ruddy Sheldrake, or Brahminy Duck
(Casarca rutila) 144

54. The Sheldrake (Vulpanser tadorna) 145

55. The Widow Duck (Dendrocygna viduata) 149

56. The Wild Duck (Anas boschas) 152

57. The Wood or Summer Duck (Aix sponsa) 153

58. The Shoveler Duck (Spatula clypeata) 157

59. Eider Ducks at Home 161

60. The Eider Ducks (Somateria mollissima) 164

61. The Green-headed Goosander (Mergus merganser) 173

62. The Caspian Tern (Sylochelidon Caspia) 177

63. Terns and their Nests 180

64. Black-backed and Herring Gulls 189

65. The Laughing Gull (Chroicocephalus ridibundus) 196

66. The Common Skua (Lestris catarractes) 200

67. The Rosy Gull (Rhodostethia rosea) 204

68. The Wandering Albatross (Diomedea exulans) 205

69. The Giant Petrel (Procellaria or Ossifragus
gigantea) 208

70. The Fulmar Petrel (Procellaria glacialis) 209

71. The Cape Petrel (Procellaria or Daption Capensis) 212

72. Storm Petrels 213

73. The Storm Petrel (Thalassidroma pelagica) 216

74. The White-tailed Tropic Bird (Phaëton æthereus) 221

75. The Frigate Bird (Tachypetes aquila) 225

76. Le Vaillant's Snake Bird, or Darter (Plotus
Levaillantii) 229

77. The Cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo) 233

78. The Pelican (Pelecanus onocrotalus) 237

79. The Crested Grebe (Podiceps cristatus) 244

80. The Common or Foolish Guillemot (Uria
troile) 253

81. An Assemblage of Auks 256

82. The Great Auk, or Giant Penguin (Alca pinguinus) 257

83. Giant Penguins 260

84. The Coulterneb, or Arctic Puffin 265

85. The Golden Penguin (Chrysocome catarractes) 267

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