The Spoonbills (Plataleæ):—The Common Spoonbill. The Boat-bills (Cancromata):—The Whale-headed
Stork, or Shoe-beak—The Savaku, or Boat-bill—The Hammer-head, or Shadow Bird 58-63
The Storks (Ciconiæ):—The Tantali—The Ibis-like Tantalus—The True Storks—The White or House Stork—The
Simbil—The Senegal Jabiru—The Jabiru 63-74
The Adjutants, Argalas, or Marabous (Leptoptilos) The African Marabou—The Indian Adjutant, or
Argala 74, 75
The Clapper-billed Storks, or Shell-eaters (Anastomus):—The African Clapper-bill, or Shell-eater 75,76
The Herons (Ardeæ):—The Common Heron—The Giant Heron. The White Herons (Herodias):—The
Great White Heron—The Lesser Egret—The Cattle Heron—The Night Heron 76-83
The Bitterns (Ardetta):—The Little Bittern—The Common Bittern—The Sun Bittern, or Peacock Heron 83-87
The Marsh-waders (Paludicolæ). The Cranes (Grues):—The Common Crane—The Demoiselle, or Numidian
Crane. The African Crowned Cranes (Balearica):—The Crowned African or Peacock Crane. The
Field Storks (Arvicolæ). The Snake Cranes (Dicholophus):—The Brazilian Cariama, or Crested
Screamer 87-94
The Trumpeters (Psophia):—The Agami, or Gold-breasted Trumpeter. The Screamers (Palamedeæ):—The
Aniuma, or Horned Screamer—The Chauna, or Tschaja 94-98
The Rails (Ralli). The Snipe Rails (Rhynchæa):—The Golden Rail, or Painted Cape Snipe—The Water
Rail—The Aramides (Aramides):—The Serrakura—The Land Rail, or Corn Crake. The Jacanas
(Parræ):—The Chilian Jacana—The Chinese Jacana 98-103
The Water-Hens (Gallinulæ). The Gallinules (Porphyrio):—The Hyacinthine Porphyrio—The Purple
Gallinule. The Water-hens (Stagnicola):—The Common Gallinule, or Moor-hen 103-110
The Coots (Fulica):—The Common Coot—The Finfoots—The Surinam Finfoot, or Picapare 110-113
THE SWIMMERS (Natatores).
The Sieve Beaks (Lamellirostres). The Flamingoes (Phœnicopteri). The Swans (Cygni):—The Mute
Swan—The Whistling Swan—Bewick's Swan—The Black-necked Swan—The Black Swan 114-129