We have yet to find a formula for determining Q. Let 'e1' be the number of Electors in District No. 1, 'e2' the number in No. 2, and so on; let 'm1' be the number of Members assigned to District No. 1, 'm2' the number assigned to No. 2, and so on; also let 'E' be the total number of Electors in the Kingdom, 'M' the number of Members in the House, and 'D' the number of Districts. Then we have
(m1 + 1) . Q = e1,
(m2 + 1) . Q = e2,
∴ (M + D) . Q = E; i.e. Q = EM + D;
∴ m = e . M + DE − 1.
§ 4. Tables calculated by the preceding Formulæ.
Let us suppose the 2,000,000 new Electors to be already enfranchised, thus making the total Electorate about 5,000,000. Let us further assume the number of electoral Districts to be 180, so that each will return, on an average, 3 and 2-3ds of a Member.