and our meditation barren altogether.
But let us persist through weeks or months, and sooner or later that stupor disappears.
Our faculties readjust themselves, and do the work we will them to do.
Never did they do their work so well.
The dark caverns of the brain begin to grow luminous.
We are creating our own light.
By heat of will and aspiration we are transmuting what is gross in the subtle æthers through which the mind works.
As the dark bar of metal begins to glow, at first redly, and then at white heat, or as ice melts and is alternately fluid, vapour, gas, and at last a radiant energy, so do these æthers become purified and alchemically changed into luminous essences, and they make a new vesture for the soul, and link us to mid-world or heavenward where they too have their true home.
How quick the mind is now!
How vivid is the imagination!
We are lifted above the tumult of the body.
The heat of the blood disappears below us.
We draw nigher to ourselves.
The heart longs for the hour of meditation and hurries to it; and, when it comes, we rise within ourselves as a diver too long under seas rises to breathe the air, to see the light.