I think of earth as the floor of a cathedral where altar and Presence are everywhere.
This reverence came to me as a boy listening to the voice of birds one coloured evening in summer, when suddenly birds and trees and grass and tinted air and myself seemed but one mood or companionship, and I felt a certitude that the same spirit was in all.
A little breaking of the barriers and being would mingle with being.
Whitman writes of the earth that it is rude and incomprehensible at first.
"But I swear to you," he cries, "that there are divine things well hidden."
Yet they are not so concealed that the lover may not discover them, and to the lover nature reveals herself like a shy maiden who is slowly drawn to one who adores her at a distance, and who is first acknowledged by a lifting of the veil, a long-remembered glance, a glimmering smile, and at last comes speech