with this beings in an ecstasy of radiance, colour and sound, lovers who seemed enraptured with their happiness, as they tell in old story of lovers on the plains of Moy Mell, and to me they seemed like some who had lived in Earth in ancient days and who now were in the happy world.
And I saw, without being able to explain to myself their relation to that exalted humanity, beings such as the ancient poets described, a divine folk who I think never were human but were those spoken of as the Sidhe.
I did not see enough to enable me to speak with any certainty about their life, and I do not know that it would serve any useful purpose to detail visions which remain bewildering to myself.
Into the lowest of these two spheres I saw with more frequency, but was able to understand but little of what I saw.
I will tell one or two visions out of many.
I was drawn to meditate beside a deep pool amid woods.
It was a place charged with psychic life, and was regarded with some awe by the people who lived near.
As I gazed into the dark waters consciousness seemed to sink beneath them and I found myself in another world.
It was more luminous than this, and I found one there who seemed like an