crypts, or brush with naked body through the long sunlit grasses of the prairies.
Endlessly the procession of varying forms goes back into remote yesterdays of the world.
How do these self-conceptions spring up?
How are they clothed with the state of ancient civilisations?
If when I perceived them they were the newest things in the world, and the images were minted that instant by the imagination, out of what treasury of design came the fitting scenery, the always varied buildings, garments and setting of wood, plain or mountain?
Are they not rather, I ask myself, memories of the spirit incarnated many times?
And if so, again I ask myself is it only on earth there has been this long ancestry of self?
For there is another self in me which seemed to know not the world but revealed itself to the listening bodily life in cosmic myths, in remote legends of the Children of Darkness and the Children of Light, and of the revolt against heaven.
And another self seemed to bring with it vision or memory of elemental beings, the shining creatures of water and wood, or who break out in opalescent colour from the rocks or hold their court beneath the ponderous hills.
And there was another