carry us from Earth to Heaven.
It is normally known to man only in procreation, but its higher and mightier uses are unknown to him.
Even though in our scriptures it is said of it that it gives to this man vision or the discerning of spirits, and to that poetry or eloquence, and to another healing and magical powers, it remains for most a myth of the theologians, and is not mentioned by any of our psychologists though it is the fountain out of which is born all other powers in the body and is the sustainer of all our faculties.
Normally I found this power in myself, not leaping up Titanically as if it would storm the heavens, but a steady light in the brain, "the candle upon the forehead," and it was revealed in ecstasy of thought or power in speech, and in a continuous welling up from within myself of intellectual energy, vision or imagination.
It is the afflatus of the poet or musician.
As an ancient scripture says of it, "The Illuminator is the inspirer of the poet, the jeweller, the chiseller and all who work in the arts."
It is the Promethean fire, and only by mastery of this power will man be able to ascend to the ancestral Paradise.
Again and again I would warn all who read