There are pitfalls for one who has no pretensions to scholarship in tracking words to their origins, and it is a labour for the future in conjunction with one more learned than myself to elucidate these intuitions in regard to the roots, and to go more fully into the psychology which led to rapid extension of meanings until words were created, which at first sight seem to have no relation to the root values.
I still believe I can see in the Aryan roots an intelligence struggling outward from itself to recognise its own affinities in sound.
But I wish here only to give indications and directions of approach to that Divine Mind whose signature is upon us in everything, and whose whole majesty is present in the least thing in nature.
I have written enough to enable those who are curious to exercise their intuitions or analytic faculty in conjunction with their scholarship, to test the worth of my intuitions.
Intuition must be used in these correspondences, for the art of using them is not altogether discoverable by the intellect.
I hope also that my partial illumination will be completed, corrected or verified by others.
A second line of investigation I suggest is the study of some harmony of primitive