those ancestors of the Aryan in remote spiritual dawns when Earth first extended its consciousness into humanity.
In that primal ecstasy and golden age was born that grand spiritual tradition which still remains embodied in Veda and Upanishad, in Persian and Egyptian myth, and which trails glimmering with colour and romance over our own Celtic legends.
I had but a faint glow of that which to the ancestors was full light.
I could not enter that Radiance they entered yet Earth seemed to me bathed in an æther of Deity.
I felt at times as one raised from the dead, made virginal and pure, who renews exquisite intimacies with the divine companions, with Earth, Water, Air and Fire.
To breathe was to inhale magical elixirs.
To touch Earth was to feel the influx of power as with one who had touched the mantle of the Lord.
Thought, from whatever it set out, for ever led to the heavenly city.
But these feelings are incommunicable.
We have no words to express a thousand distinctions clear to the spiritual sense.
If I tell of my exaltation to another, who has not felt this himself, it is explicable to that person as the joy in perfect health, and he translates into